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  1. MyFaces Core
  2. MYFACES-2638

Fix PostAddToViewEvent and PreRemoveFromViewEvent publishing conditions



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.0.0-beta-3
    • 2.0.1
    • JSR-314
    • None


      From a discussion of jsr-314-open mailing list:

      Actually the event publishing conditions of PostAddToViewEvent/PreRemoveFromViewEvent are not very clear. These conditions depends if partial state saving is used or not and if facelets updates the view or not. The problem is this fact is not very intuitive, so for write code correctly the user needs to be aware of that, in other words this should be documented somewhere. Also, there are some technical questions that could be of interest on this mailing list and myfaces dev list too.

      In theory, PostAddToViewEvent is used in this cases:

      • h:outputScript and h:outputStylesheet renderers uses it to relocate component resources to UIViewRoot facet "head" or "body" target (h:outputStylesheet by default to "head"). Note "head" and "body" facets are transient.
      • cc:insertChildren and cc:insertFacet, to relocate components to some place inside cc:implementation. The reason why we do that through a listener attached to PostAddToViewEvent is we need to take into account the case of nested composite components using cc:insertFacet/cc:insertChildren. Note when the component tree is built the first time, PostAddToViewEvent is propagated from root to nodes.
      • When Partial State Saving is enabled, it is necessary to attach a listener to PostAddToViewEvent/PreRemoveFromViewEvent, so if some user add/remove a component, we can keep track of those changes and save/restore the component tree properly, in other words, support component addition or removal programatically.

      Now, the instants of time where PostAddToViewEvent is published are:

      • With Partial State Saving enabled
      • When the view is build at first time.
      • In a postback when the view is build but before the state of the component is restored.
      • With Partial State Saving disabled
      • When the view is build at first time.
      • In a postback when the view is "refreshed", because all component nodes are detached and attached to the tree. In other words, on render response phase, vdl.buildView is called and in this case facelets algorithm add all transient components (usually all html markup not saved), and to do that, it detach and attach all components to be in right order. This also has some other implications, like c:if tag depends on this to work correctly.

      A developer that is not aware of this fact could think that PostAddToViewEvent is called when the view is build.

      This is true with PSS is enabled, but is not true when PSS is disabled. On this topic:

      [jsr-314-open] add component resources depending on the owner component state

      It was described why PostAddToViewEvent cannot be used in that case. But let's change a litte bit the problem. We have a custom component that creates some other on PostAddToViewEvent and add it as a children. It should work but in fact it only works when PSS is enabled, with PSS disabled that code will cause a duplicate id exception. Of course, the developer can solve it with some effort but the point is we are not consider the element of least surprise.

      But this fact this is only the tip of the iceberg. In mojarra (this was already fixed on myfaces), components relocated by cc:insertChildren or cc:insertFacet does not have state when PSS is disabled, because when the view is "refreshed" the components are created again, but facelets algorithm remove all components with no bound to a facelet tag handler, and then the listeners attached to PostAddToViewEvent relocates the new ones, so this effect is not notice at first view.

      Do you remember PostAddToViewEvent propagation ordering is important by cc:insertChildren/cc:insertFacet? well, with PSS disabled, the ordering now is from nodes to root, because all nodes are detached and attached from nodes to root, so in myfaces we did something like this (I removed some non relevant code to be more clear):

      if (refreshTransientBuild)

      { context.setProcessingEvents(false); }

      // populate UIViewRoot
      _getFacelet(renderedViewId).apply(context, view);
      if (refreshTransientBuild)

      { context.setProcessingEvents(true); // When the facelet is applied, all components are removed and added from view, // but the difference resides in the ordering. Since the view is // being refreshed, if we don't do this manually, some tags like // cc:insertChildren or cc:insertFacet will not work correctly, because // we expect PostAddToViewEvent will be propagated from parent to child, and // facelets refreshing algorithm do the opposite. FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPreRemoveFromViewEvent(context, view); FaceletViewDeclarationLanguage._publishPostAddToViewEvent(context, view); }


      In few words, disable event processing, and fire PostAddToViewEvent and PreRemoveFromViewEvent in the expected order to build the tree correctly. If we don't do this, h:outputScript and h:outputStylesheet will not work correctly (remember that UIViewRoot "head" and "body" facets are transient, so if these components are relocated, are in fact transient too). Also, care must be taken to prevent the listener of programatic component addition/removal register components on this time.

      The conclusion based on this reasoning, it is clear the need of new event that be specific for relocate components (keep it simple for christ sake!). This event should be propagated for all components in the tree after the view is build from root to nodes. It could be good to have some clearification about the real intention of PostAddToViewEvent/PreRemoveFromViewEvent. Really, better names for those events are PostAddToComponentTreeEvent/PreRemoveFromComponentTreeEvent.

      I'll attach a proposal to fix this one soon.


        1. MYFACES-2638-3.patch
          10 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        2. MYFACES-2638-4.patch
          7 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        3. MYFACES-2638-6_1.patch
          17 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        4. MYFACES-2638-6_5.patch
          35 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        5. MYFACES-2638-6_8.patch
          106 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        6. MYFACES-2638-6_9_fix_facets.patch
          69 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        7. MYFACES-2638-6.patch
          42 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        8. MYFACES-2638-7.patch
          0.8 kB
          Leonardo Uribe
        9. MYFACES-2638-test-webapp.zip
          44 kB
          Michael Kurz



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