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  1. Maven Site Plugin
  2. MSITE-948

Site stage/deploy should respect 'child.site.url.inherit.append.path="false"' and not use relativePath related to that parent



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 3.12.1, 4.0.0-M7
    • None
    • site:stage(-deploy)
    • None


      All versions of maven have long been affected by this and there are many tickets opened / closed claiming to have resolved or seem to be outstanding for years with no resolution.  I believe they are mostly related.

      The 'child.site.url.inherit.append.path="false"' was added back in maven 3.6.0 with claim to stop this behaviour but its never worked outside of effective pom looks right IMO.  At least most platforms support that now (artifactory was late in that game).

      Currently regardless of that setting, the maven site plugin doesn't respect it or even look at it from what I can tell.  Its there in the debug tree but the code doesn't appear to look at that to determine what it will do with relativePath.

      So, if I have project example https://github.com/hazendaz/base-parent and I happen to have those set (such as https://github.com/hazendaz/base-parent/commit/58e9f8a7749a80e74e8197d5b90b17458cadb161), then anything downstream using that parent which is unrelated I would expect to adhere to the request and not attempt to use the super pom for its calculations at all.  But it does not do so.

      I suspect areas of code problematic are getTopLevelProject(MavenProject) or 'getDeployModuleDirectory'.  The later being where it matters with 'relativePath' determined.

      The main issue is with multi module downstream projects.  Fixing this issue I suspect would have immediate impact on being able to use the site plugin directly and not need scm publish.  Scm publish tends to work for single module but it still suffers from fact that the site plugin messes up the data before it ever gets there.

      For example, if my project is 'somerepo.git', I would expect site:stage to put the data in 'target/staging' as the documentation states it will do so.  It however does not, regardless of the above noted setting.  What it does instead is determine that it needs the relative path to be '../somerepo.git' just because it has a parent pom from some other project from same hosted platform (gh-pages on github).  So the staging then puts that in 'target/somerepo.git' instead.  So maven scm publish cannot even see that.  The site deploy fails to do it correctly as it completely changes out the repo to deploy to and tries to go to the parent which in most cases like this isn't related at all.  My base super pom for example is used by quite a number of repos and they all have issues with site distributions as a result.

      So how can we make the site plugin actually respect 'child.site.url.inherit.append.path="false"'?  Or any way to actually make that easier like configure it to just stop doing that logic as unnecessary.  The pom settings IMO are over bearing as it is so a config option would be far better and easier to implement.

      I've debugged this far enough to just keep changing the site plugins determination on the relativePath to be './' which fixes the issue.  Note: The rest of relative path for multi module is needed but starting part was wrong '../' vs './'.

      IMO I don't think maven should even be touching items like this, its so hard to understand the math as a result.  Thus why so many tickets get opened for same thing in various different ways.  Over the years we have tried just about everything to make this work and honestly the only thing that really does currently is to drop maven from doing the site distribution entirely and use gh-actions to do the same or other solutions on different platforms.  It would be better IMO to use maven site plugin directly and/or with scm publish if it consistently worked as documented.  Maybe a flag isn't even need, maybe just fixing maven site plugin to stop going outside of the staging folder would be a good step 1 as scm publish should be ok then.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              hazendaz Jeremy Landis
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