Uploaded image for project: 'Maven Site Plugin'
  1. Maven Site Plugin
  2. MSITE-691

Aggregator pom with child parent not handled



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Auto Closed
    • 3.3
    • None
    • multi module
    • None


      The attached zip demonstrates a project where the parent is an aggregator only pom and the children include the parent:

      - pom.xml  (aggregator only)
      - projects
        - parent
          - pom.xml  (parent for the child project)
        - child
          - pom.xml

      Running the zip file with "mvn clean test site" will build incorrect hyperlinks.

      The top left hyperlinks, added by the site plugin, are defined as "parent/index.html" and "child/child/index.html". I consider the former to be correct, but not the latter.

      In addition, the navigation links produce both a link to the parent (under the "Parent Project" heading), and a second link to the parent under the "Modules" heading. This seems unnecessary, and in fact does not work in design terms, see below. (It appears that separate aggregator and parent pom projects are not really supported in design terms)

      The child projects also contain the wrong link to the parent (under "Parent Projects" in the navigation area). They create a link as "../../parent/index.html". This will be one ".." too far, as the "distributionManagement.site.url" definition removes the extra level.

      Finally, the site of the parent pom does not contain a "Parent projects" link in the navigation area. That would make sense if there was no aggregator project, but does not make sense here from a website pint of view.

      What I would expect is the following staged website:

      - staging
        - index.html  (links to child projects, including parent)
        - parent 
          - index.html  (link back to aggregator)
        - child
          - index.html  (link back to aggregator, link to parent: "../parent/index.html")


        1. OG-Platform.zip
          19 kB
          Stephen Colebourne



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