Uploaded image for project: 'Maven Site Plugin'
  1. Maven Site Plugin
  2. MSITE-533

make site:stage a local file deploy




      As I understand it, site:stage is supposed to be a local preview of site:deploy. However, the site construction is very different in both cases: site:stage changes the <url> pom element of each reactor project and generates the site directly at the final target (staging) location. Unfortunately, this suffers from a couple of bugs, in particular wrt relative links in multi-module builds, which is potentially confusing for users (and certain developers...) if they find that the staged site is different from the deployed site. site:deploy OTOH generates each site into its own target and then uses wagon to copy the single sites to the final destination.

      I also don't see why SiteStageMojo extends SiteMojo, staging shouldn't have anything to do with site generation. IMO site:deploy, site:stage and site:stage-deploy should all do the same basic thing: take a pre-generated site directory and copy it to some target. The difference is only in the target location: site:deploy goes to distributionManagement.site.url, site:stage goes to stagingDirectory on the local file system, and site:stage-deploy goes to stagingSiteURL.

      Since site:deploy supports a local file copy, I propose to replace site:stage by such a local deploy. This would make site:stage and deploy equivalent, reduce confusion and maintenance efforts and make site:stage a true preview per definition. Are there any arguments that speak against it?


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              ltheussl Lukas Theussl
              ltheussl Lukas Theussl
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