Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
3.4.1, 3.5.0, 3.5.1
As discussed in this maven-users thread, when running Maven builds for this reproducer concurrently, some dependency exclusions are missing from the generated dependency-reduced POMs. Run the reproducer like this:
$ mvn clean package -T 4 | grep 'BUILD SUCCESS' && find . -name "dependency-reduced-pom.xml" -exec bash -c 'cat $0 | grep exclu | wc -l ' {} \; [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS 12 12 12 12
When running with -T 1, however, the correct result is 20.
This concurrency issue might have been introduced by the MSHADE-413 fix, but I am not sure.
I have a local fix, synchronising on the injected mojo parameter MavenSession session in the lower section of ShadeMojo::rewriteDependencyReducedPomIfWeHaveReduction. There might be a better way to fix the problem, but I it leave that up to the PR reviewers to come up with one, if any.
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