Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Ubuntu 20.04 / StandAlone / NGINX / HTTPS
Dear, first of all, I am using a translator, so I apologize for any mistakes made.
I'm having trouble returning the latest version with the REST api, my RAW HTTP is as follows:
GET /restServices/archivaServices/searchService/artifact?g=blah&a=blah&v=LATEST HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: insomnia / 7.1.1
> Cookie: JSESSIONID = blahblah
> Accept: * / *
<HTTP / 1.1 204 No Content
<Server: nginx
<Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 21:24:12 GMT
<Content-Length: 0
<Connection: keep-alive
<Keep-Alive: timeout = 10
In fact, other calls are working well, including
"restServices / archivaServices / browseService / versionsList / blah / blah"
Returning in order (I take the opportunity to ask if it is in order that this command works).
Regarding our use, we are not going to use it for Java, but to upload binary releases in the format "EXE", and we added in "Repository Scanning" in the artifacts section the option "** / *. Exe" everything is working very well. Our "maven-metada.xml" file is correct, and identifying which version is "<latest>" correctly, in addition to the history being also correct.
So I will answer some questions that you asked in 2018 on the same topic.
Is anonymous access allowed to your repository?
No, but I'm testing it as an administrator. (using cookies /restServices/redbackServices/loginService/logIn)
How many repositories do you have? Is it the same, if you set the repository ID with the 'r'-Parameter?
id = manager
directory = / var / opt / archiva-data / repositories / updates
releases = true
snapshots = true (I tried false and the same thing happens)
Skip Packed Index Creation = false
Can you find the artifact on the web UI with the given entries?
Yes, it works perfectly and in order in the listing.
Is there any info in the log file? If not, could you please change it to debug level, and send it to me?
I don't know how to put it into debug mode, but logs are generated, but if I delete them all, and ask for the artifacts command for rest, it doesn't generate a log.