maven-release-plugin does not support the JGit SCM provider out of the box. It can be adapted to support JGit using the providerImplementations option, but only if the POM's SCM URL starts with "scm:git" and not "scm:jgit". It would be nice to support the JGit URL as well. This patch adds said support and also fixes a broken unit test for the Git ScmTranslator.
For anyone else interested in using the JGit SCM with maven-release-plugin, note that the JGit SCM itself has several bugs that can cause a release to fail. See SCM-806 and SCM-807. Also you will need to add the JGit SCM as a dependency to maven-release-plugin in your POM, since maven-scm-providers-standard currently does not include the JGit provider. SCM-808 would add it.