Uploaded image for project: 'Maven Release Plugin'
  1. Maven Release Plugin
  2. MRELEASE-333

allowTimestampedSnapshots is not applied to report plugins


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • 2.0-beta-7
    • None
    • prepare
    • None
    • Any


      Related to already resolved MRELEASE-124. allowTimestampedSnapshots make it possible to force a release with uniquely versioned snapshots as dependencies, but the parameter has no effect on report snapshots dependencies. Looking at the code in the patch it seems the parameter is only applied to straight-up project dependencies. If you are forced to use reports that are only available as snapshots (currently e.g. the dashboard plugin), you are out of luck unless you deploy custom versions of the plugin in your internal repository or disable the reports for the release.


        1. pom.xml
          4 kB
          Benjamin Bentmann

        Issue Links


            I tried to reproduce your issue but failed. The attached POM defines a timestamped version of the Dashboard Plugin and running "mvn release:prepare -DdryRun" is working for me.

            Can you provide some more details or a concrete POM that does not work?

            bentmann Benjamin Bentmann added a comment - I tried to reproduce your issue but failed. The attached POM defines a timestamped version of the Dashboard Plugin and running "mvn release:prepare -DdryRun" is working for me. Can you provide some more details or a concrete POM that does not work?
            rfscholte Robert Scholte added a comment -

            No feedback from user, closing it as incomplete.

            rfscholte Robert Scholte added a comment - No feedback from user, closing it as incomplete .


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              kaosko Kalle Korhonen
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