We are using PMD to check an Android project. The pom file that "drives" the Android project uses android-maven-plugin (3.8.2).
Our android project depends on a number of 3rd party libraries. Some of these libraries are apklibs. The android-maven-plugin handles apklibs by expanding them into a given directory before compiling.
This results in a very long value being passed to maven-pmd in the compileSourceRoots variable. I understand you can't override compileSourceRoots so I turned to excludeRoots to exclude these 3rd parties libraries from analysis
The target directories that contain source in an maven Android project would look something like:
/target/generated-sources/extracted-dependencies/src/main/java /target/generated-sources/r /target/generated-sources/aidl /target/unpacked-libs/com.actionbarsherlock_actionbarsherlock_apklib_4.3.0/src /target/unpacked-libs/com.github.chrisbanes.pulltorefresh_library_apklib_2.1.2-SNAPSHOT/src /target/unpacked-libs/com.slidingmenu_slidingmenu_apklib_1.3-SNAPSHOT/src
So you would hope that the maven-pmd plugin could be configured as
<excludeRoots> <excludeRoot>target/generated-sources</excludeRoot> <excludeRoot>target/unpacked-libs</excludeRoot> </excludeRoots>
However this doesn't work. The excludeRoots get compared directly for equality in the contains clause of
if ( sourceDirectory.isDirectory() && !excludeRootFiles.contains( sourceDirectory ) )
in This obviously doesn't work as unpacked-libs is the container for a whole host of source directories.
I suggest that the comparison should look at the base path as
private boolean isDirectoryExcluded(Collection<File> excludeRootFiles, File sourceDirectoryToCheck) { boolean returnVal = false; for (File excludeDir : excludeRootFiles) { if (sourceDirectoryToCheck.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(excludeDir.getAbsolutePath())) { getLog().debug( "Directory " +sourceDirectoryToCheck.getAbsolutePath() + " has been excluded as it matches excludeRoot " + excludeDir.getAbsolutePath()); returnVal = true; break; } } return returnVal; }
With the comparison line becoming
if (sourceDirectory.isDirectory() && !isDirectoryExcluded(excludeRootFiles, sourceDirectory) )
This is working in my test project and doesn't fail any of the maven-pmd unit tests.
I tried uploading an attachment with the changes described above but to no avail - not sure what is happening there.