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  1. Maven
  2. MNG-7709

plexus-utils upgrade changes the way configuration is parsed



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.9.0, 4.0.0-alpha-4
    • 3.9.1, 4.0.0-alpha-5, 4.0.0
    • Core
    • None


      While upgrading to Maven 3.9.0, we noticed a change in the way some of our pom configuration is parsed. This seems to be a very rare edge case that we can work around, but I wanted to flag it in case the root cause turns out to have more widespread impact. I put together a small repo that demonstrates the issue:

      Summary of reproducer:

      • The parent module configures the shade plugin with an outputFile parameter: link
      • The child module inherits from parent and resets the shade plugin configuration (using <configuration combine.self="override"/>): link
      • However, child module also configures shade plugin inside a profile (adding an unrelated finalName parameter): link
      • The nested-child module inherits from child module. It doesn't contain any configuration, but it activates the profile: link

      It is expected that child and nested-child do not inherit the outputFile parameter, because the shade configuration is removed in child pom.xml. This works in Maven 3.8.7, but in Maven 3.9.0 the nested-child module does inherit the outputFile parameter. I assume this has something to do with the profile getting activated and causing the configuration to not get merged properly, but I'm not sure.

      I also built a custom version of Maven 3.9.0 which uses plexus-utils 3.3.1, and the behavior is back to normal. So I think the behavior change is in plexus-utils (although it could be that Maven is "mis-using" plexus-utils, and the plexus-utils change is technically correct). I tested with a few different plexus-utils versions and it seems like the behavior change was introduced in plexus-utils 3.4.0 (I also tested with plexus-utils 3.5.0 and this issue is not fixed).


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              gnodet Guillaume Nodet
              jhaber Jonathan Haber
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

