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  1. Maven
  2. MNG-6270

Store snapshots in a separate local repository




      Requested Feature

      As already suggested in MNG-4481 it would be really helpful if Maven was able to store the Snapshot artifacts in a different location than the fixed version ones.

      Technically it could be configured like this:


      or via a new Maven property maven.repo.local.snapshot.

      Uses Cases

      1. Feature Branch Development Support: When using a branching model like Vincent Driessen's Gitflow or Adam Ruka's Oneflow you do feature development in parallel branches that get merged back into the master when the feature is completed.
        However, these feature branches produce the same snapshot artifact version. On a central build server it is necessary that these snapshot artifacts are only visible within one feature branch and cannot be seen from a different feature branch as they are potentially incompatible.
        Currently it is only possible to use different fully fledged local repositories for each feature branch, however, this slows down the first builds as the fixed versions artifacts have to be copied into the feature-branch specific local repository. Additionally, it costs a lot of disk space.
        Having the possibility to uses feature-branch specific repositories for the snapshot dependencies only, would be a great feature for a development process using feature branches.
      2. Drop all snapshots and make clean build (no ancient snapshot dependencies will bass) - useful especially after changing module identification.


        Issue Links



              cstamas Tamas Cservenak
              joijoe Joern Gebhardt
              4 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

