Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Maven Core should only be aware of the pom packaging details, the rest of the ArtifactHandlers and LifecycleMappings should be moved to their own packaging plugin:
- jar packaging: maven-jar-plugin
- ejb and ejb3 packagings: maven-ejb-plugin
- maven-plugin packaging: maven-plugin-plugin
- war packaging: maven-war-plugin
- ear packaging: maven-ear-plugin
- rar packaging: maven-rar-plugin
- par packaging: ?
Maven core should then get the lifecycle mappings and artifact handlers configurations from the plugin at the beginning of the build, before begin able to calculate the build plan
Issue Links
- causes
MPOM-337 Load plugins containing lifecycle mapping/artifact handler with <extensions>true</extensions>
- Open
MNG-8472 Sort out the problem about packaging in Maven 4
- Open
- is blocked by
MACR-30 Add LifecycleMapping and ArtifactHandler from maven-core to target packaging plugin
- Closed
MEAR-198 Add LifecycleMapping and ArtifactHandler from maven-core to target packaging plugin
- Closed
MEJB-72 Add LifecycleMapping and ArtifactHandler from maven-core to target packaging plugin
- Closed
MJAR-183 Add LifecycleMapping and ArtifactHandler from maven-core to target packaging plugin
- Closed
MPLUGIN-275 Move LifecycleMapping and ArtifactHandler from maven-core to target packaging plugin
- Closed
MRAR-55 Add LifecycleMapping and ArtifactHandler from maven-core to target packaging plugin
- Closed
MWAR-326 Add LifecycleMapping and ArtifactHandler from maven-core to target packaging plugin
- Closed
- is related to
MNG-7508 Validate usage of <extensions>true</extensions> on plugins
- Open
MNG-7572 Plugin descriptor should indicate if plugin should be loaded as Maven build extension
- In Progress
MNG-7574 Never expose Mojo classes via Core Classloader
- Closed
MNG-7264 Convert maven-core default-bindings.xml to Providers
- Closed
MDEPLOY-71 DeployFile Mojo Does Not Handle Non-Core Artifact Types
- Closed
- relates to
MPLUGIN-402 report: allow to generate usage section in plugin-info.html with <extensions>true</extensions>
- Closed