Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Using Maven version: 2.0.8-SNAPSHOT, svn r547427.
I checked out and built 2.0.8 because I was interested in Jason van Zyl's patch for MNG-2619- "building from the middle pom of a (parent,child,grandchild) heirarchy fails". The fix works for the most part, but there still seems to be a problem with the poms that get generated during the install goal. The poms that get installed into .m2/repository do not have properties interpolated. If I run maven like:
$ mvn install -Dglobal-version=1.0.0
I get poms with the string "${global-version}" embedded in the resulting poms rather than what I specify on the command line (or in settings.xml). The build works properly aside from this, and if I do "mvn help:effective-pom" the properties are correctly interpolated.
I've attached a tarfile with an example A/B/C build structure that exhibits this behavior, as well as the generated poms.
Many thanks for your attention.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
MDEPLOY-94 Variables in the version element in pom.xml need to be expanded before deployment
- Closed
MINSTALL-50 provide property filtering on .pom files placed in local repo
- Closed
- is related to
MNG-2619 building from the middle pom of a (parent,child,grandchild) heirarchy fails
- Closed
MNG-2820 Deployment is stripping out the license header from the POM
- Closed
MNG-3538 Properties inside <dependency> are not replaced in resulting POM
- Closed
MNG-3782 Variable substition not performed in transitive dependency using value from active profile
- Closed
MNG-4167 version-expression transformation interferes with plugins like GPG
- Closed
- relates to
MNG-2971 Variables are not replaced into installed pom file
- Reopened
MNG-4140 Properties incorrectly replaced in pom
- Closed
MNG-2412 global variable filtering of pom.xml for parent and sub module pom.xml files is not working when deploying to a repository.
- Closed
MNG-4223 Resolve expressions in POM artifact coordinates
- Closed
MNG-2446 parent Pom properties not resolved for module dependencies
- Closed
MNG-624 automatic parent versioning
- Closed