Status: Reopened
Resolution: Unresolved
not significant
I don't know if the artifact type zip exists (I think not after few test).
But I want to separate the html content and the webapp content (classes, configuration files and so on).
The use case is to separate this different works (html designer and java developpement) and production installation (one is to an http server and the other is on an app server) in two artifacts with separate versionning.
But the <packaging>zip</packaging> is not recognized.
Then I would like to use it as an artifact with maven's features (snapshot, pom, version, goals : install, deploy release and all others).
Add it to the webapp dependencies (needed only for developpment or unit tests).
With this type of dependency the zip content could be unpacked to a directory in the exploded webapp. (certainly need hack on the maven-war-plugin).
I have certainly the workaround to declare this as jar and using the assembly plugin to generate a zip.
But I can't use install release deploy or something else to manage the generated zip which is not an artifact.
Thanks for help or workaround.
- Olivier
Issue Links
- is depended upon by
MWAR-406 custom artifact types don't get copied to WEB-INF/lib
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MNG-5410 <packaging>zip</packaging>
- Closed
- is related to
MNG-5567 Zip files are not included in classpaths at all
- Reopened
MNG-2243 Creation of a maven-zip-plugin
- Closed
MASSEMBLY-555 Need a better solution than packaging == pom for distribution modules whose output is an assembly
- Closed
- relates to
MSITE-453 Add new lifecycle bindings for "maven-skin" packaging
- Open
MWAR-12 Add resource filtering to war plugin
- Closed
- supercedes
MWAR-16 war:clean goal
- Closed
MWAR-17 [maven-war-plugin] adding war:clean to delete webappDirectory
- Closed
MWAR-10 war-plugin feature
- Closed