Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
It looks like we have some problems with the contents of manifests in jar files.
According to Sun's documentation (, there are three basic formatting rules which are not always being enforced:
1) All text must be UTF-8
2) Lines are limited to 72 characters; longer lines must be continued
3) Sections are divided by blank lines
Where are these rules being violated? The first rule can be violated by any POM which is in a character set other than UTF-8. The last two rules can be violated by any POM value which spans multiple lines. Both of these are potential problems since a number of POM values go directly into the manifest without sufficient checking.
The plugin I have been working on suddenly stopped working. It stopped when I added a two-line description to the POM. I have been able to determine that converting the second line of the description into a proper manifest continuation line fixed the problem. As it turns out, the class loader was ignoring the jar; this created an error where the name of the Mojo class was found but the class could not be loaded.
Workarounds for the present:
– Any POM fields which end up in a jar manifest needs to be limited to UTF-8 characters.
– Multi-line values should be constructed so that all lines start with a space character (not strictly required for the first line but it doesn't hurt).