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  1. Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++
  2. MINIFICPP-1617

Update CONTRIB.md where it differs from practice



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 0.11.0
    • None


      CONTRIB.md refers to the google style guide, but the codebase and practice differs from that in many ways.

      A quick list:

      • we use .cpp, not .cc for impl files
      • New code should prefer{{ #pragma once}} over include guards.
      • I think forward declarations are fine in the codebase.
      • I think using-directives (using namespace) are acceptable, but not encouraged in our codebase.
      • We use objects with static storage duration in quite a few places, e.g. processor properties. Most of these don't follow the rule of being trivially destructible and initialized with a constant expression.
      • We use inheritance way more than is recommended by the style guide. I think we should improve this, so will not include as an exception.
      • We're more liberal regarding operator overloading and user-defined literals.
      • We allow public mutable data members
      • We allow functions to be defined inline when it makes sense
      • We have default arguments on virtual functions in many cases. We should improve on this, so I'm not including it in CONTRIB.md.
      • We use rvalue references
      • We use exceptions
      • We use RTTI
      • We use gsl::narrow and gsl::narrow_cast in addition to standard casts. We don't use abseil.
      • We're more liberal regarding the use of auto. The style guide says use it only when it makes the code clearer, but I think we allow using it according to personal preferences.
      • I think we're OK with template metaprogramming as long as the usage is clear.
      • In naming, we use lowerCamelCase for functions, including accessors/mutators and usually UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants. For filenames, we usually use the class name or some reasonable name typically in UpperCamelCase, except when it's meant to imitate some other header, like gsl.h. If a type name is imitating something from STL, boost or similar, then STL-style lower_snake_case is used (e.g. utils::make_unique).
      • Static data members might be named differently than snake_with_trailing_underscore_, I can't recall a good example atm. I think they are snake_case.
      • Enums are either FULL_CAPS_SNAKE or UpperCamelCase.
      • We don't use file-level comments to describe the contents of a file, we only include the license boilerplate.
      • Function comments use Javadoc style /** */
      • Line length is not really limited, but the linter checks for 200 characters. Use NOLINT comment when it makes sense to have a longer line.
      • continuation indentaion is ok both with 2 levels and aligned




            szaszm Marton Szasz
            szaszm Marton Szasz
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                Original Estimate - Not Specified
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                Remaining Estimate - 0h
                Time Spent - 4h 20m
                4h 20m