we run two mesos-masters and one mesos-slave, in order to test mesos HA. We do as follow steps:
1. startup master1(leader), master2(follower) and agent, the agent successful registerd to master1;
2. shutdown agent, after 75s(the master and agent ping-pong is 15s*5) shutdown master1, as a result master1 remove agent from 'registry' and send 'ShutdownMessage' to agent, but agent process have terminated, so it can't receive this message;
3. master1 is terminated and master2 is leader now, it recovered from registry with 0 agent, meanwhile the agent is restarted, the agent 'reregisteded' to master2 is success.
So the issue is when master recovered from registry with 0 agent, the 'slaves.recovered' strcut don't contain this Slave, it should not admit reregistered success, maybe should send 'ShutdownMessage' to agent.