I try to build mesos with Debug|x64 configuration on Windows with VS2017.2
Here is repro steps:
1. git clone -c core.autocrlf=true F:\mesos\src
2. Open a VS amd64 command prompt as admin and browse to F:\mesos\src
3. Set CL=/permissive-
4. bootstrap.bat
5. mkdir build_x64 && pushd build_x64
6. cmake ..\src -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DENABLE_LIBEVENT=1 -DHAS_AUTHENTICATION=0 -DPATCHEXE_PATH="C:\gnuwin32\bin -T host=x64"
7. msbuild Mesos.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64 /m /t:Rebuild
Error message:
D:\Mesos\src\3rdparty\stout\include\stout/os/windows/shell.hpp(355): error C2102: '&' requires l-value (compiling source file D:\Mesos\src\3rdparty\libprocess\src\time.cpp) [D:\Mesos\build_x64\3rdparty\libprocess\src\process-0.0.1.vcxproj]
Smaller repro code like this:
void test(unsigned long *a){}
int main()
int i;
test(&static_cast<unsigned long>);