Status: Resolved
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
ASF CI, CentOS 7, libevent and SSL enabled
This was observed on ASF CI. Based on the placement of the stacktrace, the segfault seems to occur during libprocess reinitialization, when process::initialize is called:
[----------] 4 tests from Encryption/NetSocketTest [ RUN ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/0 I0117 15:18:35.320691 27596 openssl.cpp:419] CA file path is unspecified! NOTE: Set CA file path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_FILE=<filepath> I0117 15:18:35.320714 27596 openssl.cpp:424] CA directory path unspecified! NOTE: Set CA directory path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_DIR=<dirpath> I0117 15:18:35.320719 27596 openssl.cpp:429] Will not verify peer certificate! NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_VERIFY_CERT=1 to enable peer certificate verification I0117 15:18:35.320726 27596 openssl.cpp:435] Will only verify peer certificate if presented! NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_REQUIRE_CERT=1 to require peer certificate verification I0117 15:18:35.335141 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads [ OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/0 (422 ms) [ RUN ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/1 I0117 15:18:35.390697 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads [ OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFBeforeRecv/1 (6 ms) [ RUN ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/0 I0117 15:18:35.998528 27596 openssl.cpp:419] CA file path is unspecified! NOTE: Set CA file path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_FILE=<filepath> I0117 15:18:35.998559 27596 openssl.cpp:424] CA directory path unspecified! NOTE: Set CA directory path with LIBPROCESS_SSL_CA_DIR=<dirpath> I0117 15:18:35.998566 27596 openssl.cpp:429] Will not verify peer certificate! NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_VERIFY_CERT=1 to enable peer certificate verification I0117 15:18:35.998572 27596 openssl.cpp:435] Will only verify peer certificate if presented! NOTE: Set LIBPROCESS_SSL_REQUIRE_CERT=1 to require peer certificate verification I0117 15:18:36.010643 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads [ OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/0 (664 ms) [ RUN ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/1 I0117 15:18:36.079453 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads [ OK ] Encryption/NetSocketTest.EOFAfterRecv/1 (19 ms) *** Aborted at 1484666316 (unix time) try "date -d @1484666316" if you are using GNU date *** PC: @ 0x7f7643ad7c56 __memcpy_ssse3_back *** SIGSEGV (@0x57c10f8) received by PID 27596 (TID 0x7f76393c2700) from PID 92016888; stack trace: *** @ 0x7f7644ba0370 (unknown) @ 0x7f7643ad7c56 __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f76443248e0 (unknown) @ 0x7f7644324f8c (unknown) @ 0x422a4d process::UPID::UPID() I0117 15:18:36.090376 27596 process.cpp:1234] libprocess is initialized on with 16 worker threads [----------] 4 tests from Encryption/NetSocketTest (1116 ms total) [----------] 6 tests from SSLVerifyIPAdd/SSLTest [ RUN ] SSLVerifyIPAdd/SSLTest.BasicSameProcess/0 @ 0x8ae4a8 process::DispatchEvent::DispatchEvent() @ 0x8a6a5e process::internal::dispatch() @ 0x8c0b44 process::dispatch<>() @ 0x8a598a process::ProcessBase::route() @ 0x98be53 process::ProcessBase::route<>() @ 0x988096 process::Help::initialize() @ 0x89ef2a process::ProcessManager::resume() @ 0x89b976 _ZZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvENKUt_clEv @ 0x8adb3c _ZNSt12_Bind_simpleIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUt_vEE9_M_invokeIIEEEvSt12_Index_tupleIIXspT_EEE @ 0x8ada80 _ZNSt12_Bind_simpleIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUt_vEEclEv @ 0x8ada0a _ZNSt6thread5_ImplISt12_Bind_simpleIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUt_vEEE6_M_runEv @ 0x7f764431b230 (unknown) @ 0x7f7644b98dc5 start_thread @ 0x7f7643a8473d __clone make[7]: *** [check-local] Segmentation fault