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  1. Mesos
  2. MESOS-4869

/usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check using/leaking a lot of memory



      We switched our health checks in Marathon from HTTP to COMMAND:

      "healthChecks": [
            "protocol": "COMMAND",
            "path": "/ops/ping",
            "command": { "value": "curl --silent -f -X GET http://$HOST:$PORT0/ops/ping > /dev/null" },
            "gracePeriodSeconds": 90,
            "intervalSeconds": 2,
            "portIndex": 0,
            "timeoutSeconds": 5,
            "maxConsecutiveFailures": 3

      All our applications have the same health check (and /ops/ping endpoint).

      Even though we have the issue on all our Meos slaves, I'm going to focus on a particular one: mesos-slave-i-e3a9c724.

      The slave has 16 gigs of memory, with about 12 gigs allocated for 8 tasks:

      Here is a docker ps on it:

      root@mesos-slave-i-e3a9c724 # docker ps
      CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
      4f7c0aa8d03a        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   6 hours ago         Up 6 hours>8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.3dbb1004-5bb8-432f-8fd8-b863bd29341d
      66f2fc8f8056        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   6 hours ago         Up 6 hours>8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.60972150-b2b1-45d8-8a55-d63e81b8372a
      f7382f241fce        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   6 hours ago         Up 6 hours>8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.39731a2f-d29e-48d1-9927-34ab8c5f557d
      880934c0049e        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours>8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.23dfe408-ab8f-40be-bf6f-ce27fe885ee0
      5eab1f8dac4a        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   46 hours ago        Up 46 hours>8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.5ac75198-283f-4349-a220-9e9645b313e7
      b63740fe56e7        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   46 hours ago        Up 46 hours>8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.5d417f16-df24-49d5-a5b0-38a7966460fe
      5c7a9ea77b0e        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   2 days ago          Up 2 days >8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.b05043c5-44fc-40bf-aea2-10354e8f5ab4
      53065e7a31ad        java:8              "/bin/sh -c 'JAVA_OPT"   2 days ago          Up 2 days >8080/tcp   mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.f0a3f4c5-ecdb-4f97-bede-d744feda670c

      Here is a docker stats on it:

      root@mesos-slave-i-e3a9c724  # docker stats
      CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O               BLOCK I/O
      4f7c0aa8d03a        2.93%               797.3 MB / 1.611 GB   49.50%              1.277 GB / 1.189 GB   155.6 kB / 151.6 kB
      53065e7a31ad        8.30%               738.9 MB / 1.611 GB   45.88%              419.6 MB / 554.3 MB   98.3 kB / 61.44 kB
      5c7a9ea77b0e        4.91%               1.081 GB / 1.611 GB   67.10%              423 MB / 526.5 MB     3.219 MB / 61.44 kB
      5eab1f8dac4a        3.13%               1.007 GB / 1.611 GB   62.53%              2.737 GB / 2.564 GB   6.566 MB / 118.8 kB
      66f2fc8f8056        3.15%               768.1 MB / 1.611 GB   47.69%              258.5 MB / 252.8 MB   1.86 MB / 151.6 kB
      880934c0049e        10.07%              735.1 MB / 1.611 GB   45.64%              1.451 GB / 1.399 GB   573.4 kB / 94.21 kB
      b63740fe56e7        12.04%              629 MB / 1.611 GB     39.06%              10.29 GB / 9.344 GB   8.102 MB / 61.44 kB
      f7382f241fce        6.21%               505 MB / 1.611 GB     31.36%              153.4 MB / 151.9 MB   5.837 MB / 94.21 kB

      Not much else is running on the slave, yet the used memory doesn't map to the tasks memory:

      Mem:16047M used:13340M buffers:1139M cache:776M

      If I exec into the container (java:8 image), I can see correctly the shell calls to execute the curl specified in the health check as expected and exit correctly.

      The only change we noticed since the memory usage woes was related to moving to Mesos doing the health checks instead, so I decided to take a look:

      root@mesos-slave-i-e3a9c724 # ps awwx | grep health_check | grep -v grep
       2504 ?        Sl    47:33 /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.f0a3f4c5-ecdb-4f97-bede-d744feda670c sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_email-green.b086206a-e000-11e5-a617-02429957d388
       4220 ?        Sl    47:26 /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.b05043c5-44fc-40bf-aea2-10354e8f5ab4 sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_chat-green.ed53ec41-e000-11e5-a617-02429957d388
       7444 ?        Sl     1:31 /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.60972150-b2b1-45d8-8a55-d63e81b8372a sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_identity-green.aeb2ef3b-e219-11e5-a617-02429957d388
      10368 ?        Sl     1:30 /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.3dbb1004-5bb8-432f-8fd8-b863bd29341d sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_channel-green.c6fbd2ac-e219-11e5-a617-02429957d388
      12399 ?        Sl     9:45 /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.23dfe408-ab8f-40be-bf6f-ce27fe885ee0 sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_integration-green.143865d5-e17d-11e5-a617-02429957d388
      13538 ?        Sl    24:54 /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.5d417f16-df24-49d5-a5b0-38a7966460fe sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_metric-green.75296986-e0c7-11e5-a617-02429957d388
      32034 ?        Sl     1:31 /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.39731a2f-d29e-48d1-9927-34ab8c5f557d sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_push-green.601337e6-e219-11e5-a617-02429957d388

      The memory usage is really bad:

      root@mesos-slave-i-e3a9c724 # ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size | grep health_check | awk '{ hr=$1/1024 ; printf("%13.2f Mb ",hr) } { for ( x=4 ; x<=NF ; x++ ) { printf("%s ",$x) } print "" }'
            2185.39 Mb /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.f0a3f4c5-ecdb-4f97-bede-d744feda670c sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_email-green.b086206a-e000-11e5-a617-02429957d388
            2185.39 Mb /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.b05043c5-44fc-40bf-aea2-10354e8f5ab4 sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_chat-green.ed53ec41-e000-11e5-a617-02429957d388
            1673.39 Mb /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.5d417f16-df24-49d5-a5b0-38a7966460fe sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_metric-green.75296986-e0c7-11e5-a617-02429957d388
            1161.39 Mb /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.23dfe408-ab8f-40be-bf6f-ce27fe885ee0 sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_integration-green.143865d5-e17d-11e5-a617-02429957d388
             649.39 Mb /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.60972150-b2b1-45d8-8a55-d63e81b8372a sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_identity-green.aeb2ef3b-e219-11e5-a617-02429957d388
             649.39 Mb /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.3dbb1004-5bb8-432f-8fd8-b863bd29341d sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_channel-green.c6fbd2ac-e219-11e5-a617-02429957d388
             649.39 Mb /usr/libexec/mesos/mesos-health-check --executor=(1)@ --health_check_json={"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.39731a2f-d29e-48d1-9927-34ab8c5f557d sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/$HOST:$PORT0\/ops\/ping > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0} --task_id=prod_talkk_push-green.601337e6-e219-11e5-a617-02429957d388
               0.32 Mb grep --color=auto health_check

      Killing the mesos-health-check process for each container fix our memory issues (but I'm assuming health checks won't be reported anymore or something):

      root@mesos-slave-i-e3a9c724 # date ; free -m ; ps awwx | grep health_check | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I% -P1 kill % ; date ; free -m
      Fri Mar  4 21:20:55 UTC 2016
                   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
      Mem:         16047      13538       2508          0       1140        774
      -/+ buffers/cache:      11623       4423
      Swap:            0          0          0
      Fri Mar  4 21:20:56 UTC 2016
                   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
      Mem:         16047       9101       6945          0       1140        774
      -/+ buffers/cache:       7186       8860
      Swap:            0          0          0

      We're reverting to Marathon doing the health checks for now but would like to emphasize it's happening across all our slaves (not an isolated issue).

      Thanks for looking into it


        Issue Links


            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment -

            I try

            ./src/mesos-health-check --executor=\(1\)@localhost:8000 --health_check_json='{"command":{"shell":true,"value":"docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.f0a3f4c5-ecdb-4f97-bede-d744feda670c sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/www.google.com > \/dev\/null \""},"consecutive_failures":3,"delay_seconds":0.0,"grace_period_seconds":90.0,"interval_seconds":2.0,"timeout_seconds":5.0}' --task_id=mesos-test

            to reproduce your problem in my machine. But after 1 hours, I saw the memory nearly don't have increase any. How long you could find it increase?

            Or could you try the above command directly in your side?

            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment - I try ./src/mesos-health-check --executor=\(1\)@localhost:8000 --health_check_json= '{ "command" :{ "shell" : true , "value" : "docker exec mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S6.f0a3f4c5-ecdb-4f97-bede-d744feda670c sh -c \" curl --silent -f -X GET http:\/\/www.google.com > \/dev\/ null \ ""}," consecutive_failures ":3," delay_seconds ":0.0," grace_period_seconds ":90.0," interval_seconds ":2.0," timeout_seconds":5.0}' --task_id=mesos-test to reproduce your problem in my machine. But after 1 hours, I saw the memory nearly don't have increase any. How long you could find it increase? Or could you try the above command directly in your side?
            tnachen Timothy Chen added a comment -

            Btw what's your slave memory usage?

            tnachen Timothy Chen added a comment - Btw what's your slave memory usage?
            scalp42 Anthony Scalisi added a comment - - edited

            We could see the increase immediately after launching a task.

            scalp42 Anthony Scalisi added a comment - - edited We could see the increase immediately after launching a task.
            scalp42 Anthony Scalisi added a comment - - edited

            What do you mean ? Without having Mesos doing the health checks, on a host with 6 tasks for example:

            scalp@mesos-slave-i-d00b6017 $ free -m
                         total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
            Mem:         16047      15306        740          0       3174       2547
            -/+ buffers/cache:       9583       6463
            Swap:            0          0          0
            root@mesos-slave-i-d00b6017 # docker stats --no-stream
            CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O               BLOCK I/O
            33cb349404e1        3.23%               897.8 MB / 1.611 GB   55.74%              4.859 GB / 4.625 GB   53.25 kB / 61.44 kB
            61eba49cf71d        3.22%               1.166 GB / 1.611 GB   72.41%              5.49 GB / 5.155 GB    106.5 kB / 118.8 kB
            630739e12032        3.76%               1.163 GB / 1.611 GB   72.22%              3.891 GB / 3.657 GB   348.2 kB / 118.8 kB
            b5b9da9facfb        2.84%               901.9 MB / 1.611 GB   55.99%              2.254 GB / 2.153 GB   0 B / 118.8 kB
            dcd2a73f71a9        3.55%               1.29 GB / 1.611 GB    80.10%              2.726 GB / 2.672 GB   0 B / 118.8 kB
            de923d88a781        3.17%               889.5 MB / 1.611 GB   55.23%              3.817 GB / 3.645 GB   36.86 kB / 61.44 kB

            Or another with 11 tasks:

            root@mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7 # free -m
                         total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
            Mem:         16047      15189        857          0       1347        688
            -/+ buffers/cache:      13153       2893
            Swap:            0
            root@mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7 # docker stats --no-stream
            CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O               BLOCK I/O
            1527ccec3562        0.39%               46.75 MB / 134.2 MB   34.83%              318.5 MB / 283.5 MB   634.9 kB / 0 B
            16c0afe372f1        3.12%               1.139 GB / 1.611 GB   70.69%              5.443 GB / 5.139 GB   1.757 MB / 118.8 kB
            2aaac6a34f3b        3.50%               1.34 GB / 1.611 GB    83.18%              9.928 GB / 9.006 GB   2.646 MB / 118.8 kB
            4bda58242e66        2.57%               875.5 MB / 1.611 GB   54.36%              4.853 GB / 4.632 GB   135.2 kB / 61.44 kB
            67ed575e6f44        2.14%               1.171 GB / 1.611 GB   72.73%              3.878 GB / 3.664 GB   4.739 MB / 118.8 kB
            87010c4fa547        4.23%               1.208 GB / 1.611 GB   74.99%              313.5 MB / 419.1 MB   213 kB / 94.21 kB
            8ca7c160b196        1.73%               730.4 MB / 1.611 GB   45.35%              305.6 MB / 447.7 MB   0 B / 61.44 kB
            cbac44b2663c        4.66%               1.088 GB / 1.611 GB   67.53%              16.48 GB / 14.91 GB   262.1 kB / 61.44 kB
            d0fe165aecac        3.02%               901.2 MB / 1.611 GB   55.95%              1.573 GB / 1.555 GB   106.5 kB / 61.44 kB
            df668f59a149        3.57%               1.143 GB / 1.611 GB   70.98%              2.732 GB / 2.681 GB   1.888 MB / 118.8 kB
            e0fc97fa33cf        3.43%               1.034 GB / 1.611 GB   64.21%              3.823 GB / 3.655 GB   2.433 MB / 61.44 kB

            If you were referring to the actual Mesos processes:

            root@mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7 # ps awwuxf | egrep "mesos-docker|mesos-slave" | egrep -v "grep|node"
            root     27470  0.3  0.3 962568 51020 ?        Ssl  Mar11  14:46 /usr/sbin/mesos-slave --master=zk://,, --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --containerizers=docker,mesos --docker_stop_timeout=30secs --executor_registration_timeout=5mins --executor_shutdown_grace_period=90secs --gc_delay=1weeks --hostname=mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7.example.com --ip= --isolation=cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem --logbufsecs=1 --recover=reconnect --strict=false --work_dir=/opt/mesos --attributes=az:us-west-2a --resources=cpus:4;mem:16047;ports:[31000-32000]
            root     27511  0.0  0.0   5916   596 ?        S    Mar11   0:00  \_ logger -p user.info -t mesos-slave[27470]
            root     27512  0.0  0.0   5916  1884 ?        S    Mar11   0:00  \_ logger -p user.err -t mesos-slave[27470]
            root     28907  0.1  0.0 802068  5360 ?        Ssl  Mar11   7:02  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.f552977a-040c-41a2-bb60-0e441c6491ef --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_metric-green.cac70614-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/f552977a-040c-41a2-bb60-0e441c6491ef --stop_timeout=30secs
            root     29193  0.1  0.0 802596  5816 ?        Ssl  Mar11   7:02  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.5ada3858-b09b-4a5e-a320-b3c66bb237a6 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_push-green.cac70613-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/5ada3858-b09b-4a5e-a320-b3c66bb237a6 --stop_timeout=30secs
            root     29373  0.1  0.0 802596  5172 ?        Ssl  Mar11   7:00  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.2a93bbbb-0daa-4f22-bbb8-aa7a92791918 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_email-green.cac6b7f0-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/2a93bbbb-0daa-4f22-bbb8-aa7a92791918 --stop_timeout=30secs
            root     29538  0.1  0.0 802068  5768 ?        Ssl  Mar11   6:59  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.c7aa0614-8afa-404a-a6a7-a591f3f20371 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_search-green.cac6df01-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/c7aa0614-8afa-404a-a6a7-a591f3f20371 --stop_timeout=30secs
            root     30831  0.1  0.0 802068  6012 ?        Ssl  Mar11   6:59  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.2c086ae3-c0b9-4069-983a-d8efc37ff220 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_user-green.6c806415-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/2c086ae3-c0b9-4069-983a-d8efc37ff220 --stop_timeout=30secs
            root     30989  0.1  0.0 802068  5508 ?        Ssl  Mar11   6:59  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.79d0c2bd-c3d5-4e47-a7de-74ce713dd6cf --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_identity-green.6d185e58-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/79d0c2bd-c3d5-4e47-a7de-74ce713dd6cf --stop_timeout=30secs
            root     31132  0.1  0.0 802068  5612 ?        Ssl  Mar11   6:59  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.5e370455-97fc-476c-9cc4-c300c472a002 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_integration-green.6d185e57-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/5e370455-97fc-476c-9cc4-c300c472a002 --stop_timeout=30secs
            root     31292  0.1  0.0 802596  5688 ?        Ssl  Mar11   7:00  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.ff592e36-b9da-48e6-9d6c-960edba25050 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_media-green.6d183746-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/ff592e36-b9da-48e6-9d6c-960edba25050 --stop_timeout=30secs
            root      2292  0.1  0.0 802068  5388 ?        Ssl  Mar11   6:57  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.7caeae52-f0f3-43b9-b89a-fee798841757 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_chat-green.037a7cc1-e7d4-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/7caeae52-f0f3-43b9-b89a-fee798841757 --stop_timeout=30secs
            root      2068  0.1  0.0 802068  5216 ?        Ssl  Mar12   6:31  \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.9bd3e685-8ed1-442c-84bb-7e8c0a37acfe --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_notification-green.383537a4-e7fa-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/9bd3e685-8ed1-442c-84bb-7e8c0a37acfe --stop_timeout=30secs
            scalp42 Anthony Scalisi added a comment - - edited What do you mean ? Without having Mesos doing the health checks, on a host with 6 tasks for example: scalp@mesos-slave-i-d00b6017 $ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 16047 15306 740 0 3174 2547 -/+ buffers/cache: 9583 6463 Swap: 0 0 0 root@mesos-slave-i-d00b6017 # docker stats --no-stream CONTAINER CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM % NET I/O BLOCK I/O 33cb349404e1 3.23% 897.8 MB / 1.611 GB 55.74% 4.859 GB / 4.625 GB 53.25 kB / 61.44 kB 61eba49cf71d 3.22% 1.166 GB / 1.611 GB 72.41% 5.49 GB / 5.155 GB 106.5 kB / 118.8 kB 630739e12032 3.76% 1.163 GB / 1.611 GB 72.22% 3.891 GB / 3.657 GB 348.2 kB / 118.8 kB b5b9da9facfb 2.84% 901.9 MB / 1.611 GB 55.99% 2.254 GB / 2.153 GB 0 B / 118.8 kB dcd2a73f71a9 3.55% 1.29 GB / 1.611 GB 80.10% 2.726 GB / 2.672 GB 0 B / 118.8 kB de923d88a781 3.17% 889.5 MB / 1.611 GB 55.23% 3.817 GB / 3.645 GB 36.86 kB / 61.44 kB Or another with 11 tasks: root@mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7 # free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 16047 15189 857 0 1347 688 -/+ buffers/cache: 13153 2893 Swap: 0 root@mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7 # docker stats --no-stream CONTAINER CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM % NET I/O BLOCK I/O 1527ccec3562 0.39% 46.75 MB / 134.2 MB 34.83% 318.5 MB / 283.5 MB 634.9 kB / 0 B 16c0afe372f1 3.12% 1.139 GB / 1.611 GB 70.69% 5.443 GB / 5.139 GB 1.757 MB / 118.8 kB 2aaac6a34f3b 3.50% 1.34 GB / 1.611 GB 83.18% 9.928 GB / 9.006 GB 2.646 MB / 118.8 kB 4bda58242e66 2.57% 875.5 MB / 1.611 GB 54.36% 4.853 GB / 4.632 GB 135.2 kB / 61.44 kB 67ed575e6f44 2.14% 1.171 GB / 1.611 GB 72.73% 3.878 GB / 3.664 GB 4.739 MB / 118.8 kB 87010c4fa547 4.23% 1.208 GB / 1.611 GB 74.99% 313.5 MB / 419.1 MB 213 kB / 94.21 kB 8ca7c160b196 1.73% 730.4 MB / 1.611 GB 45.35% 305.6 MB / 447.7 MB 0 B / 61.44 kB cbac44b2663c 4.66% 1.088 GB / 1.611 GB 67.53% 16.48 GB / 14.91 GB 262.1 kB / 61.44 kB d0fe165aecac 3.02% 901.2 MB / 1.611 GB 55.95% 1.573 GB / 1.555 GB 106.5 kB / 61.44 kB df668f59a149 3.57% 1.143 GB / 1.611 GB 70.98% 2.732 GB / 2.681 GB 1.888 MB / 118.8 kB e0fc97fa33cf 3.43% 1.034 GB / 1.611 GB 64.21% 3.823 GB / 3.655 GB 2.433 MB / 61.44 kB If you were referring to the actual Mesos processes: root@mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7 # ps awwuxf | egrep "mesos-docker|mesos-slave" | egrep -v "grep|node" root 27470 0.3 0.3 962568 51020 ? Ssl Mar11 14:46 /usr/sbin/mesos-slave --master=zk://,, --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --containerizers=docker,mesos --docker_stop_timeout=30secs --executor_registration_timeout=5mins --executor_shutdown_grace_period=90secs --gc_delay=1weeks --hostname=mesos-slave-i-0fe036d7.example.com --ip= --isolation=cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem --logbufsecs=1 --recover=reconnect --strict=false --work_dir=/opt/mesos --attributes=az:us-west-2a --resources=cpus:4;mem:16047;ports:[31000-32000] root 27511 0.0 0.0 5916 596 ? S Mar11 0:00 \_ logger -p user.info -t mesos-slave[27470] root 27512 0.0 0.0 5916 1884 ? S Mar11 0:00 \_ logger -p user.err -t mesos-slave[27470] root 28907 0.1 0.0 802068 5360 ? Ssl Mar11 7:02 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.f552977a-040c-41a2-bb60-0e441c6491ef --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_metric-green.cac70614-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/f552977a-040c-41a2-bb60-0e441c6491ef --stop_timeout=30secs root 29193 0.1 0.0 802596 5816 ? Ssl Mar11 7:02 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.5ada3858-b09b-4a5e-a320-b3c66bb237a6 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_push-green.cac70613-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/5ada3858-b09b-4a5e-a320-b3c66bb237a6 --stop_timeout=30secs root 29373 0.1 0.0 802596 5172 ? Ssl Mar11 7:00 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.2a93bbbb-0daa-4f22-bbb8-aa7a92791918 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_email-green.cac6b7f0-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/2a93bbbb-0daa-4f22-bbb8-aa7a92791918 --stop_timeout=30secs root 29538 0.1 0.0 802068 5768 ? Ssl Mar11 6:59 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.c7aa0614-8afa-404a-a6a7-a591f3f20371 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_search-green.cac6df01-e7d1-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/c7aa0614-8afa-404a-a6a7-a591f3f20371 --stop_timeout=30secs root 30831 0.1 0.0 802068 6012 ? Ssl Mar11 6:59 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.2c086ae3-c0b9-4069-983a-d8efc37ff220 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_user-green.6c806415-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/2c086ae3-c0b9-4069-983a-d8efc37ff220 --stop_timeout=30secs root 30989 0.1 0.0 802068 5508 ? Ssl Mar11 6:59 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.79d0c2bd-c3d5-4e47-a7de-74ce713dd6cf --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_identity-green.6d185e58-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/79d0c2bd-c3d5-4e47-a7de-74ce713dd6cf --stop_timeout=30secs root 31132 0.1 0.0 802068 5612 ? Ssl Mar11 6:59 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.5e370455-97fc-476c-9cc4-c300c472a002 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_integration-green.6d185e57-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/5e370455-97fc-476c-9cc4-c300c472a002 --stop_timeout=30secs root 31292 0.1 0.0 802596 5688 ? Ssl Mar11 7:00 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.ff592e36-b9da-48e6-9d6c-960edba25050 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_media-green.6d183746-e7d2-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/ff592e36-b9da-48e6-9d6c-960edba25050 --stop_timeout=30secs root 2292 0.1 0.0 802068 5388 ? Ssl Mar11 6:57 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.7caeae52-f0f3-43b9-b89a-fee798841757 --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_chat-green.037a7cc1-e7d4-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/7caeae52-f0f3-43b9-b89a-fee798841757 --stop_timeout=30secs root 2068 0.1 0.0 802068 5216 ? Ssl Mar12 6:31 \_ mesos-docker-executor --container=mesos-29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3.9bd3e685-8ed1-442c-84bb-7e8c0a37acfe --docker=docker --docker_socket=/var/run/docker.sock --help=false --launcher_dir=/usr/libexec/mesos --mapped_directory=/mnt/mesos/sandbox --sandbox_directory=/opt/mesos/slaves/29e183be-f611-41b4-824c-2d05b052231b-S3/frameworks/8ace1cd7-5a79-40f6-99cd-62c87ce2ef49-0001/executors/prod_talkk_notification-green.383537a4-e7fa-11e5-a617-02429957d388/runs/9bd3e685-8ed1-442c-84bb-7e8c0a37acfe --stop_timeout=30secs

            I'd like to add that it's really due to the mesos-health-check process (slaves are fine when Marathon doing the health checks).

            scalp42 Anthony Scalisi added a comment - I'd like to add that it's really due to the mesos-health-check process (slaves are fine when Marathon doing the health checks).
            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment -

            How about run this single command? Because health-check and task are located in different processes when running.

            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment - How about run this single command? Because health-check and task are located in different processes when running.
            scalp42 Anthony Scalisi added a comment - - edited

            Sorry haosdent@gmail.com are you asking me to the run the curl by hand ? If so, we already did but doesn't do much to memory issues (the endpoint is just returns "ok").

            scalp42 Anthony Scalisi added a comment - - edited Sorry haosdent@gmail.com are you asking me to the run the curl by hand ? If so, we already did but doesn't do much to memory issues (the endpoint is just returns "ok").
            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment - - edited

            No, I mean run mesos-health-check in shell by hand. Because I could not reproduce your problem in my machine. I want to make sure whether this problem is related to your environment.

            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment - - edited No, I mean run mesos-health-check in shell by hand. Because I could not reproduce your problem in my machine. I want to make sure whether this problem is related to your environment.

            Hi scalp42, thank you for reporting this! jieyu and I took a look at the health check program and found that there is a memory leak in some of the library code it uses. I filed MESOS-5021 to follow up on it. We leak the environment variables each time a health check process is run, which is likely the leak you've observed.

            bmahler Benjamin Mahler added a comment - Hi scalp42 , thank you for reporting this! jieyu and I took a look at the health check program and found that there is a memory leak in some of the library code it uses. I filed MESOS-5021 to follow up on it. We leak the environment variables each time a health check process is run, which is likely the leak you've observed.
            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment -

            Thanks bmahler It is my bad not find this problem correctly. I would investigate more why could not reproduce it when run mesos-health-check directly.

            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment - Thanks bmahler It is my bad not find this problem correctly. I would investigate more why could not reproduce it when run mesos-health-check directly.
            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment -

            After check with valgrind to check. I could saw

            ==90064== 31,682 bytes in 364 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,224 of 1,226
            ==90064==    at 0x4C2A7AA: operator new[](unsigned long) (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
            ==90064==    by 0x98BDFFD: process::subprocess(std::string const&, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >, process::Subprocess::IO const&, process::Subprocess::IO const&, process::Subproce

            Sorry for didn't check this carefully before. Because MESOS-5021 have been resolved. Let me close this ticket.

            haosdent@gmail.com haosdent added a comment - After check with valgrind to check. I could saw ==90064== 31,682 bytes in 364 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1,224 of 1,226 ==90064== at 0x4C2A7AA: operator new [](unsigned long ) (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so) ==90064== by 0x98BDFFD: process::subprocess(std::string const &, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >, process::Subprocess::IO const &, process::Subprocess::IO const &, process::Subproce Sorry for didn't check this carefully before. Because MESOS-5021 have been resolved. Let me close this ticket.


              bmahler Benjamin Mahler
              scalp42 Anthony Scalisi
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

