swarm 1.1.3-rc1
CoreOS 899.9
Mesos 0.27.1
Marathon 0.15.3
When swarm is stopped/restarted it may crash the mesos-master. It doesn't happens always but frequently enough to be a pain.
If for some reason the swarm service fails, marathon will try and restart the service. When this happens mesos may crash. I would say it happens around 50% of the times.
This looks like a swarm/mesos problem so I will report the same error to both lists.
This is the final lines of mesos logs:
0303 04:32:45.327628 8 master.cpp:5202] Framework failover timeout, removing framework b4149972-942d-46bf-b886-644cd3d0c6f0-0004 (swarm) at scheduler(1)@ I0303 04:32:45.327651 8 master.cpp:5933] Removing framework b4149972-942d-46bf-b886-644cd3d0c6f0-0004 (swarm) at scheduler(1)@ I0303 04:32:45.327847 8 master.cpp:6445] Updating the state of task trth_download-SES.1fba45934ce4 of framework b4149972-942d-46bf-b886-644cd3d0c6f0-0004 (latest state: TASK_FAILED, status update state: TASK_KILLED) I0303 04:32:45.327879 8 master.cpp:6511] Removing task trth_download-SES.1fba45934ce4 with resources cpus(*):0.3; mem(*):450 of framework b4149972-942d-46bf-b886-644cd3d0c6f0-0004 on slave 2ce3e7f3-1712-4a4b-8338-04077c371a67-S7 at slave(1)@ ( F0303 04:32:45.328032 8 sorter.cpp:251] Check failed: total_.resources.contains(slaveId) *** Check failure stack trace: *** E0303 04:32:45.328198 13 process.cpp:1966] Failed to shutdown socket with fd 53: Transport endpoint is not connected @ 0x7fc22173893d google::LogMessage::Fail() @ 0x7fc22173a76d google::LogMessage::SendToLog() @ 0x7fc22173852c google::LogMessage::Flush() @ 0x7fc22173b069 google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() @ 0x7fc22105773b mesos::internal::master::allocator::DRFSorter::remove() @ 0x7fc22104623e mesos::internal::master::allocator::internal::HierarchicalAllocatorProcess::removeFramework() @ 0x7fc2216e5681 process::ProcessManager::resume() @ 0x7fc2216e5987 _ZNSt6thread5_ImplISt12_Bind_simpleIFSt5_BindIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUlRKSt11atomic_boolE_St17reference_wrapperIS6_EEEvEEE6_M_runEv @ 0x7fc22022ea60 (unknown) @ 0x7fc21fa4b182 start_thread @ 0x7fc21f77847d (unknown) *** Aborted at 1456979565 (unix time) try "date -d @1456979565" if you are using GNU date *** PC: @ 0x7fc21f6b8227 (unknown) *** SIGSEGV (@0x0) received by PID 1 (TID 0x7fc2181a2700) from PID 0; stack trace: *** @ 0x7fc21fa53340 (unknown) @ 0x7fc21f6b8227 (unknown) @ 0x7fc221740be9 google::DumpStackTraceAndExit() @ 0x7fc22173893d google::LogMessage::Fail() @ 0x7fc22173a76d google::LogMessage::SendToLog() @ 0x7fc22173852c google::LogMessage::Flush() @ 0x7fc22173b069 google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() @ 0x7fc22105773b mesos::internal::master::allocator::DRFSorter::remove() @ 0x7fc22104623e mesos::internal::master::allocator::internal::HierarchicalAllocatorProcess::removeFramework() @ 0x7fc2216e5681 process::ProcessManager::resume() @ 0x7fc2216e5987 _ZNSt6thread5_ImplISt12_Bind_simpleIFSt5_BindIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUlRKSt11atomic_boolE_St17reference_wrapperIS6_EEEvEEE6_M_runEv @ 0x7fc22022ea60 (unknown) @ 0x7fc21fa4b182 start_thread @ 0x7fc21f77847d (unknown)
If you ask me, looks like swarm is terminated and connections are lost, but just at that moment there is a tasks that was running on swarm that was finishing. Then mesos tries to inform the already deceased framework that the task is finished and the resources need to be recovered but the framework is no longer there... so it crashes.
Issue Links
- duplicates
MESOS-4071 Master crash during framework teardown (Check failed: total.resources.contains(slaveId))
- Resolved
- is related to
MESOS-4071 Master crash during framework teardown (Check failed: total.resources.contains(slaveId))
- Resolved