Uploaded image for project: 'Mesos'
  1. Mesos
  2. MESOS-1802

HealthCheckTest.HealthStatusChange is flaky on jenkins.



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.26.0, 0.27.3, 0.28.2, 1.0.0, 1.0.1
    • 1.2.0
    • test



      [ RUN      ] HealthCheckTest.HealthStatusChange
      Using temporary directory '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_IYnlu2'
      I0916 22:56:14.034612 21026 leveldb.cpp:176] Opened db in 2.155713ms
      I0916 22:56:14.034965 21026 leveldb.cpp:183] Compacted db in 332489ns
      I0916 22:56:14.034984 21026 leveldb.cpp:198] Created db iterator in 3710ns
      I0916 22:56:14.034996 21026 leveldb.cpp:204] Seeked to beginning of db in 642ns
      I0916 22:56:14.035006 21026 leveldb.cpp:273] Iterated through 0 keys in the db in 343ns
      I0916 22:56:14.035023 21026 replica.cpp:741] Replica recovered with log positions 0 -> 0 with 1 holes and 0 unlearned
      I0916 22:56:14.035200 21054 recover.cpp:425] Starting replica recovery
      I0916 22:56:14.035403 21041 recover.cpp:451] Replica is in EMPTY status
      I0916 22:56:14.035888 21045 replica.cpp:638] Replica in EMPTY status received a broadcasted recover request
      I0916 22:56:14.035969 21052 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response from a replica in EMPTY status
      I0916 22:56:14.036118 21042 recover.cpp:542] Updating replica status to STARTING
      I0916 22:56:14.036603 21046 master.cpp:286] Master 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026 (penates.apache.org) started on
      I0916 22:56:14.036634 21046 master.cpp:332] Master only allowing authenticated frameworks to register
      I0916 22:56:14.036648 21046 master.cpp:337] Master only allowing authenticated slaves to register
      I0916 22:56:14.036659 21046 credentials.hpp:36] Loading credentials for authentication from '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_IYnlu2/credentials'
      I0916 22:56:14.036686 21045 leveldb.cpp:306] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to leveldb took 480322ns
      I0916 22:56:14.036700 21045 replica.cpp:320] Persisted replica status to STARTING
      I0916 22:56:14.036769 21046 master.cpp:366] Authorization enabled
      I0916 22:56:14.036826 21045 recover.cpp:451] Replica is in STARTING status
      I0916 22:56:14.036944 21052 master.cpp:120] No whitelist given. Advertising offers for all slaves
      I0916 22:56:14.036968 21049 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:299] Initializing hierarchical allocator process with master : master@
      I0916 22:56:14.037284 21054 replica.cpp:638] Replica in STARTING status received a broadcasted recover request
      I0916 22:56:14.037312 21046 master.cpp:1212] The newly elected leader is master@ with id 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026
      I0916 22:56:14.037333 21046 master.cpp:1225] Elected as the leading master!
      I0916 22:56:14.037345 21046 master.cpp:1043] Recovering from registrar
      I0916 22:56:14.037504 21040 registrar.cpp:313] Recovering registrar
      I0916 22:56:14.037505 21053 recover.cpp:188] Received a recover response from a replica in STARTING status
      I0916 22:56:14.037681 21047 recover.cpp:542] Updating replica status to VOTING
      I0916 22:56:14.038072 21052 leveldb.cpp:306] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to leveldb took 330251ns
      I0916 22:56:14.038087 21052 replica.cpp:320] Persisted replica status to VOTING
      I0916 22:56:14.038127 21053 recover.cpp:556] Successfully joined the Paxos group
      I0916 22:56:14.038202 21053 recover.cpp:440] Recover process terminated
      I0916 22:56:14.038364 21048 log.cpp:656] Attempting to start the writer
      I0916 22:56:14.038812 21053 replica.cpp:474] Replica received implicit promise request with proposal 1
      I0916 22:56:14.038925 21053 leveldb.cpp:306] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to leveldb took 92623ns
      I0916 22:56:14.038944 21053 replica.cpp:342] Persisted promised to 1
      I0916 22:56:14.039201 21052 coordinator.cpp:230] Coordinator attemping to fill missing position
      I0916 22:56:14.039676 21047 replica.cpp:375] Replica received explicit promise request for position 0 with proposal 2
      I0916 22:56:14.039836 21047 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (8 bytes) to leveldb took 144215ns
      I0916 22:56:14.039850 21047 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
      I0916 22:56:14.040243 21047 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for position 0
      I0916 22:56:14.040267 21047 leveldb.cpp:438] Reading position from leveldb took 10323ns
      I0916 22:56:14.040362 21047 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (14 bytes) to leveldb took 79471ns
      I0916 22:56:14.040375 21047 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
      I0916 22:56:14.040556 21054 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice for position 0
      I0916 22:56:14.040658 21054 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (16 bytes) to leveldb took 83975ns
      I0916 22:56:14.040676 21054 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 0
      I0916 22:56:14.040689 21054 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned NOP action at position 0
      I0916 22:56:14.041023 21043 log.cpp:672] Writer started with ending position 0
      I0916 22:56:14.041342 21052 leveldb.cpp:438] Reading position from leveldb took 10642ns
      I0916 22:56:14.042325 21050 registrar.cpp:346] Successfully fetched the registry (0B)
      I0916 22:56:14.042346 21050 registrar.cpp:422] Attempting to update the 'registry'
      I0916 22:56:14.043306 21054 log.cpp:680] Attempting to append 140 bytes to the log
      I0916 22:56:14.043354 21050 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to write APPEND action at position 1
      I0916 22:56:14.043637 21047 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for position 1
      I0916 22:56:14.044042 21047 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (159 bytes) to leveldb took 386690ns
      I0916 22:56:14.044057 21047 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 1
      I0916 22:56:14.044271 21040 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice for position 1
      I0916 22:56:14.044435 21040 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (161 bytes) to leveldb took 145186ns
      I0916 22:56:14.044448 21040 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 1
      I0916 22:56:14.044456 21040 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned APPEND action at position 1
      I0916 22:56:14.044729 21055 registrar.cpp:479] Successfully updated 'registry'
      I0916 22:56:14.044776 21047 log.cpp:699] Attempting to truncate the log to 1
      I0916 22:56:14.044795 21055 registrar.cpp:372] Successfully recovered registrar
      I0916 22:56:14.044831 21051 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to write TRUNCATE action at position 2
      I0916 22:56:14.044899 21053 master.cpp:1070] Recovered 0 slaves from the Registry (102B) ; allowing 10mins for slaves to re-register
      I0916 22:56:14.045133 21055 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for position 2
      I0916 22:56:14.045450 21055 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (16 bytes) to leveldb took 300867ns
      I0916 22:56:14.045465 21055 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 2
      I0916 22:56:14.045725 21052 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice for position 2
      I0916 22:56:14.045925 21052 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (18 bytes) to leveldb took 182657ns
      I0916 22:56:14.045948 21052 leveldb.cpp:401] Deleting ~1 keys from leveldb took 10733ns
      I0916 22:56:14.045958 21052 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 2
      I0916 22:56:14.045964 21052 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned TRUNCATE action at position 2
      I0916 22:56:14.055306 21026 containerizer.cpp:89] Using isolation: posix/cpu,posix/mem
      I0916 22:56:14.057139 21048 slave.cpp:169] Slave started on 102)@
      I0916 22:56:14.057178 21048 credentials.hpp:84] Loading credential for authentication from '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_cGKTiG/credential'
      I0916 22:56:14.057283 21048 slave.cpp:276] Slave using credential for: test-principal
      I0916 22:56:14.057354 21048 slave.cpp:289] Slave resources: cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]
      I0916 22:56:14.057457 21048 slave.cpp:317] Slave hostname: penates.apache.org
      I0916 22:56:14.057468 21048 slave.cpp:318] Slave checkpoint: false
      I0916 22:56:14.057754 21043 state.cpp:33] Recovering state from '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_cGKTiG/meta'
      I0916 22:56:14.057864 21042 status_update_manager.cpp:193] Recovering status update manager
      I0916 22:56:14.057958 21042 containerizer.cpp:252] Recovering containerizer
      I0916 22:56:14.058226 21042 slave.cpp:3219] Finished recovery
      I0916 22:56:14.058452 21047 slave.cpp:600] New master detected at master@
      I0916 22:56:14.058485 21047 slave.cpp:674] Authenticating with master master@
      I0916 22:56:14.058506 21042 status_update_manager.cpp:167] New master detected at master@
      I0916 22:56:14.058539 21047 slave.cpp:647] Detecting new master
      I0916 22:56:14.058555 21042 authenticatee.hpp:128] Creating new client SASL connection
      I0916 22:56:14.058656 21043 master.cpp:3653] Authenticating slave(102)@
      I0916 22:56:14.058737 21040 authenticator.hpp:156] Creating new server SASL connection
      I0916 22:56:14.058830 21047 authenticatee.hpp:219] Received SASL authentication mechanisms: CRAM-MD5
      I0916 22:56:14.058852 21047 authenticatee.hpp:245] Attempting to authenticate with mechanism 'CRAM-MD5'
      I0916 22:56:14.058884 21047 authenticator.hpp:262] Received SASL authentication start
      I0916 22:56:14.058936 21047 authenticator.hpp:384] Authentication requires more steps
      I0916 22:56:14.058981 21047 authenticatee.hpp:265] Received SASL authentication step
      I0916 22:56:14.059052 21040 authenticator.hpp:290] Received SASL authentication step
      I0916 22:56:14.059074 21040 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for user: 'test-principal' realm: 'penates.apache.org' server FQDN: 'penates.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false SASL_AUXPROP_OVERRIDE: false SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID: false 
      I0916 22:56:14.059087 21040 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property '*userPassword'
      I0916 22:56:14.059101 21040 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5'
      I0916 22:56:14.059111 21040 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for user: 'test-principal' realm: 'penates.apache.org' server FQDN: 'penates.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false SASL_AUXPROP_OVERRIDE: false SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID: true 
      I0916 22:56:14.059118 21040 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property '*userPassword' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
      I0916 22:56:14.059123 21040 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
      I0916 22:56:14.059135 21040 authenticator.hpp:376] Authentication success
      I0916 22:56:14.059182 21047 authenticatee.hpp:305] Authentication success
      I0916 22:56:14.059192 21040 master.cpp:3693] Successfully authenticated principal 'test-principal' at slave(102)@
      I0916 22:56:14.059309 21047 slave.cpp:731] Successfully authenticated with master master@
      I0916 22:56:14.059348 21047 slave.cpp:994] Will retry registration in 12.6149ms if necessary
      I0916 22:56:14.059396 21040 master.cpp:2843] Registering slave at slave(102)@ (penates.apache.org) with id 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0
      I0916 22:56:14.059495 21054 registrar.cpp:422] Attempting to update the 'registry'
      I0916 22:56:14.059558 21026 sched.cpp:137] Version: 0.21.0
      I0916 22:56:14.059710 21041 sched.cpp:233] New master detected at master@
      I0916 22:56:14.059730 21041 sched.cpp:283] Authenticating with master master@
      I0916 22:56:14.059788 21052 authenticatee.hpp:128] Creating new client SASL connection
      I0916 22:56:14.059890 21043 master.cpp:3653] Authenticating scheduler-59427aee-c9d1-45c7-96fc-12d0d48529a4@
      I0916 22:56:14.059960 21055 authenticator.hpp:156] Creating new server SASL connection
      I0916 22:56:14.060039 21040 authenticatee.hpp:219] Received SASL authentication mechanisms: CRAM-MD5
      I0916 22:56:14.060061 21040 authenticatee.hpp:245] Attempting to authenticate with mechanism 'CRAM-MD5'
      I0916 22:56:14.060107 21055 authenticator.hpp:262] Received SASL authentication start
      I0916 22:56:14.060158 21055 authenticator.hpp:384] Authentication requires more steps
      I0916 22:56:14.060189 21055 authenticatee.hpp:265] Received SASL authentication step
      I0916 22:56:14.060220 21055 authenticator.hpp:290] Received SASL authentication step
      I0916 22:56:14.060236 21055 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for user: 'test-principal' realm: 'penates.apache.org' server FQDN: 'penates.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false SASL_AUXPROP_OVERRIDE: false SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID: false 
      I0916 22:56:14.060250 21055 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property '*userPassword'
      I0916 22:56:14.060277 21055 auxprop.cpp:153] Looking up auxiliary property '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5'
      I0916 22:56:14.060288 21055 auxprop.cpp:81] Request to lookup properties for user: 'test-principal' realm: 'penates.apache.org' server FQDN: 'penates.apache.org' SASL_AUXPROP_VERIFY_AGAINST_HASH: false SASL_AUXPROP_OVERRIDE: false SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID: true 
      I0916 22:56:14.060295 21055 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property '*userPassword' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
      I0916 22:56:14.060300 21055 auxprop.cpp:103] Skipping auxiliary property '*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
      I0916 22:56:14.060312 21055 authenticator.hpp:376] Authentication success
      I0916 22:56:14.060349 21040 authenticatee.hpp:305] Authentication success
      I0916 22:56:14.060364 21055 master.cpp:3693] Successfully authenticated principal 'test-principal' at scheduler-59427aee-c9d1-45c7-96fc-12d0d48529a4@
      I0916 22:56:14.060480 21046 sched.cpp:357] Successfully authenticated with master master@
      I0916 22:56:14.060499 21046 sched.cpp:476] Sending registration request to master@
      I0916 22:56:14.060564 21050 master.cpp:1331] Received registration request from scheduler-59427aee-c9d1-45c7-96fc-12d0d48529a4@
      I0916 22:56:14.060593 21050 master.cpp:1291] Authorizing framework principal 'test-principal' to receive offers for role '*'
      I0916 22:56:14.060767 21053 master.cpp:1390] Registering framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 at scheduler-59427aee-c9d1-45c7-96fc-12d0d48529a4@
      I0916 22:56:14.060797 21049 log.cpp:680] Attempting to append 337 bytes to the log
      I0916 22:56:14.060873 21042 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:329] Added framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.060873 21040 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to write APPEND action at position 3
      I0916 22:56:14.060899 21042 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:697] No resources available to allocate!
      I0916 22:56:14.060909 21042 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:659] Performed allocation for 0 slaves in 11862ns
      I0916 22:56:14.061061 21044 sched.cpp:407] Framework registered with 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.061115 21044 sched.cpp:421] Scheduler::registered took 34395ns
      I0916 22:56:14.061173 21047 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for position 3
      I0916 22:56:14.061298 21047 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (356 bytes) to leveldb took 108843ns
      I0916 22:56:14.061311 21047 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 3
      I0916 22:56:14.061553 21049 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice for position 3
      I0916 22:56:14.061965 21049 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (358 bytes) to leveldb took 392670ns
      I0916 22:56:14.061985 21049 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 3
      I0916 22:56:14.061996 21049 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned APPEND action at position 3
      I0916 22:56:14.062268 21050 registrar.cpp:479] Successfully updated 'registry'
      I0916 22:56:14.062331 21051 log.cpp:699] Attempting to truncate the log to 3
      I0916 22:56:14.062355 21040 master.cpp:2883] Registered slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 at slave(102)@ (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:14.062386 21043 coordinator.cpp:340] Coordinator attempting to write TRUNCATE action at position 4
      I0916 22:56:14.062376 21040 master.cpp:4126] Adding slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 at slave(102)@ (penates.apache.org) with cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]
      I0916 22:56:14.062510 21045 slave.cpp:765] Registered with master master@; given slave ID 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0
      I0916 22:56:14.062573 21045 slave.cpp:2346] Received ping from slave-observer(98)@
      I0916 22:56:14.062599 21049 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:442] Added slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 (penates.apache.org) with cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] (and cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] available)
      I0916 22:56:14.062669 21049 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:734] Offering cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 to framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.062764 21041 replica.cpp:508] Replica received write request for position 4
      I0916 22:56:14.062788 21049 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:679] Performed allocation for slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 in 145691ns
      I0916 22:56:14.062839 21050 master.hpp:861] Adding offer 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:14.062891 21041 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (16 bytes) to leveldb took 110169ns
      I0916 22:56:14.062907 21041 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 4
      I0916 22:56:14.062911 21050 master.cpp:3600] Sending 1 offers to framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.063065 21043 sched.cpp:544] Scheduler::resourceOffers took 39808ns
      I0916 22:56:14.063163 21046 replica.cpp:655] Replica received learned notice for position 4
      I0916 22:56:14.063272 21046 leveldb.cpp:343] Persisting action (18 bytes) to leveldb took 89981ns
      I0916 22:56:14.063308 21046 leveldb.cpp:401] Deleting ~2 keys from leveldb took 18542ns
      I0916 22:56:14.063323 21046 replica.cpp:676] Persisted action at 4
      I0916 22:56:14.063333 21046 replica.cpp:661] Replica learned TRUNCATE action at position 4
      I0916 22:56:14.063482 21044 master.hpp:871] Removing offer 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:14.063535 21044 master.cpp:2201] Processing reply for offers: [ 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 ] on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 at slave(102)@ (penates.apache.org) for framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.063561 21044 master.cpp:2284] Authorizing framework principal 'test-principal' to launch task 1 as user 'jenkins'
      I0916 22:56:14.063824 21040 master.hpp:833] Adding task 1 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:14.063860 21040 master.cpp:2350] Launching task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 at slave(102)@ (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:14.063943 21050 slave.cpp:1025] Got assigned task 1 for framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.064158 21050 slave.cpp:1135] Launching task 1 for framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.065439 21050 slave.cpp:1248] Queuing task '1' for executor 1 of framework '20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:14.065460 21041 containerizer.cpp:394] Starting container 'd383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd' for executor '1' of framework '20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000'
      I0916 22:56:14.065477 21050 slave.cpp:554] Successfully attached file '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_cGKTiG/slaves/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0/frameworks/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000/executors/1/runs/d383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd'
      I0916 22:56:14.066735 21055 launcher.cpp:137] Forked child with pid '21858' for container 'd383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd'
      I0916 22:56:14.067486 21044 containerizer.cpp:510] Fetching URIs for container 'd383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd' using command '/home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/Mesos-Trunk-Ubuntu-Build-Out-Of-Src-Disable-Java-Disable-Python-Disable-Webui/build/src/mesos-fetcher'
      I0916 22:56:15.037449 21050 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:659] Performed allocation for 1 slaves in 43708ns
      I0916 22:56:15.038743 21054 slave.cpp:2559] Monitoring executor '1' of framework '20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000' in container 'd383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd'
      I0916 22:56:15.078441 21053 slave.cpp:1758] Got registration for executor '1' of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:15.078866 21053 slave.cpp:1876] Flushing queued task 1 for executor '1' of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:15.084800 21043 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:15.084969 21041 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:15.084995 21041 status_update_manager.cpp:499] Creating StatusUpdate stream for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:15.085160 21041 status_update_manager.cpp:373] Forwarding status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to master@
      I0916 22:56:15.085314 21043 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:15.085332 21041 master.cpp:3212] Forwarding status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:15.085335 21043 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:15.085435 21041 master.cpp:3178] Status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 at slave(102)@ (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:15.085675 21044 sched.cpp:635] Scheduler::statusUpdate took 113998ns
      I0916 22:56:15.085888 21052 master.cpp:2693] Forwarding status update acknowledgement a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5 for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 at slave(102)@ (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:15.086109 21051 status_update_manager.cpp:398] Received status update acknowledgement (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:15.086205 21051 slave.cpp:1698] Status update manager successfully handled status update acknowledgement (UUID: a16d2819-e9f4-4119-bde6-f00ad33033e5) for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I../../src/tests/health_check_tests.cpp:330: Failure
      Failed to wait 10secs for statusHealth1
      0916 22:56:16.038705 21049 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:659] Performed allocation for 1 slaves in 40061ns
      I0916 22:56:16.126260 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 792b8e42-0d72-451b-978a-7d1f29a15751) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.190274 21045 master.cpp:741] Framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 disconnected
      I0916 22:56:28.190304 21045 master.cpp:1687] Deactivating framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:19.037235 21050 master.cpp:120] No whitelist given. Advertising offers for all slaves
      I0916 22:56:28.190394 21045 master.cpp:763] Giving framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 0ns to failover
      ../../src/tests/health_check_tests.cpp:319: Failure
      Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(sched, statusUpdate(&driver, _))...
               Expected: to be called 4 times
                 Actual: called once - unsatisfied and active
      I0916 22:56:28.190624 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5783bb6f-112f-4434-a160-a336e890398a) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.190757 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b4a9f647-3894-47f3-b55e-49d0355b20f9) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.190773 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 792b8e42-0d72-451b-978a-7d1f29a15751) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.190831 21040 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:405] Deactivated framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.190856 21054 master.cpp:3471] Framework failover timeout, removing framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.190846 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:373] Forwarding status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 792b8e42-0d72-451b-978a-7d1f29a15751) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to master@
      I0916 22:56:28.190887 21054 master.cpp:3976] Removing framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.190887 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b5d5d6c7-e92c-4ca0-ab72-656542c14ade) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.190994 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: c0225c5c-b15e-4b5e-a063-07a29703ea12) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.190996 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5783bb6f-112f-4434-a160-a336e890398a) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.190999 21054 master.hpp:851] Removing task 1 with resources cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 (penates.apache.org)
      I0916 22:56:28.191090 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b4a9f647-3894-47f3-b55e-49d0355b20f9) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      W0916 22:56:28.191141 21054 master.cpp:4419] Removing task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 and slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 in non-terminal state TASK_RUNNING
      I0916 22:56:28.191093 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: e9e3fdb1-d8e0-4bfc-970b-fcd098cace13) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.191181 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b5d5d6c7-e92c-4ca0-ab72-656542c14ade) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.191256 21054 master.cpp:650] Master terminating
      I0916 22:56:28.191258 21043 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:563] Recovered cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000] (total allocatable: cpus(*):2; mem(*):1024; disk(*):1024; ports(*):[31000-32000]) on slave 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0 from framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369088 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: c0225c5c-b15e-4b5e-a063-07a29703ea12) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.191319 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 780d211b-6ecc-478d-93e9-6744ed0a2d33) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.369132 21043 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:360] Removed framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369225 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: e9e3fdb1-d8e0-4bfc-970b-fcd098cace13) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369283 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: f41475b5-9b45-478e-8cd9-2cf7854627dd) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.369323 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 780d211b-6ecc-478d-93e9-6744ed0a2d33) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369415 21046 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: f41475b5-9b45-478e-8cd9-2cf7854627dd) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369420 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5f3a1b44-51f0-4deb-ba4c-e7238f63f856) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.369536 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 4663a09b-147f-455c-a577-3d967ddf5256) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.369642 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 89cbabd7-0169-4b58-8df7-d8fd4bc4a287) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.369685 21055 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5f3a1b44-51f0-4deb-ba4c-e7238f63f856) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369753 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 3c491f72-95f1-4c52-b7ca-c6470f748eb5) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.369802 21055 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 4663a09b-147f-455c-a577-3d967ddf5256) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369884 21055 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 89cbabd7-0169-4b58-8df7-d8fd4bc4a287) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369889 21052 slave.cpp:2110] Handling status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 218be9bd-a229-4808-8fb6-1e507830cdaf) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 from executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.369943 21055 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 3c491f72-95f1-4c52-b7ca-c6470f748eb5) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.369978 21052 slave.cpp:1431] Asked to shut down framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 by master@
      I0916 22:56:28.369998 21052 slave.cpp:1456] Shutting down framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.370009 21055 status_update_manager.cpp:320] Received status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 218be9bd-a229-4808-8fb6-1e507830cdaf) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.370018 21052 slave.cpp:2899] Shutting down executor '1' of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.370183 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 792b8e42-0d72-451b-978a-7d1f29a15751) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.370206 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 792b8e42-0d72-451b-978a-7d1f29a15751) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.370426 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5783bb6f-112f-4434-a160-a336e890398a) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.370447 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5783bb6f-112f-4434-a160-a336e890398a) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.370635 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b4a9f647-3894-47f3-b55e-49d0355b20f9) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.370657 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b4a9f647-3894-47f3-b55e-49d0355b20f9) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.370815 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b5d5d6c7-e92c-4ca0-ab72-656542c14ade) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.370837 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: b5d5d6c7-e92c-4ca0-ab72-656542c14ade) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.370972 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: c0225c5c-b15e-4b5e-a063-07a29703ea12) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.371000 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: c0225c5c-b15e-4b5e-a063-07a29703ea12) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.371155 21052 slave.cpp:2378] master@ exited
      W0916 22:56:28.371177 21052 slave.cpp:2381] Master disconnected! Waiting for a new master to be elected
      I0916 22:56:28.371202 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: e9e3fdb1-d8e0-4bfc-970b-fcd098cace13) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.540035 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: e9e3fdb1-d8e0-4bfc-970b-fcd098cace13) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.371701 21053 containerizer.cpp:882] Destroying container 'd383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd'
      I0916 22:56:28.540177 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 780d211b-6ecc-478d-93e9-6744ed0a2d33) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.540196 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 780d211b-6ecc-478d-93e9-6744ed0a2d33) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.540324 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: f41475b5-9b45-478e-8cd9-2cf7854627dd) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.540350 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: f41475b5-9b45-478e-8cd9-2cf7854627dd) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.540403 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5f3a1b44-51f0-4deb-ba4c-e7238f63f856) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.540421 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 5f3a1b44-51f0-4deb-ba4c-e7238f63f856) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.540530 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 4663a09b-147f-455c-a577-3d967ddf5256) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.540556 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 4663a09b-147f-455c-a577-3d967ddf5256) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.540664 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 89cbabd7-0169-4b58-8df7-d8fd4bc4a287) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.540681 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 89cbabd7-0169-4b58-8df7-d8fd4bc4a287) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.540889 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 3c491f72-95f1-4c52-b7ca-c6470f748eb5) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.540918 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 3c491f72-95f1-4c52-b7ca-c6470f748eb5) for task 1 in health state unhealthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:28.541082 21052 slave.cpp:2267] Status update manager successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 218be9bd-a229-4808-8fb6-1e507830cdaf) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:28.541111 21052 slave.cpp:2273] Sending acknowledgement for status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 218be9bd-a229-4808-8fb6-1e507830cdaf) for task 1 in health state healthy of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 to executor(1)@
      I0916 22:56:29.047708 21053 containerizer.cpp:997] Executor for container 'd383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd' has exited
      I0916 22:56:29.048037 21050 slave.cpp:2617] Executor '1' of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000 terminated with signal Killed
      I0916 22:56:29.048197 21050 slave.cpp:2753] Cleaning up executor '1' of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:29.048373 21050 slave.cpp:2828] Cleaning up framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:29.048444 21043 status_update_manager.cpp:282] Closing status update streams for framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:29.048457 21050 slave.cpp:477] Slave terminating
      I0916 22:56:29.048476 21043 status_update_manager.cpp:530] Cleaning up status update stream for task 1 of framework 20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000
      I0916 22:56:29.048462 21041 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_cGKTiG/slaves/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0/frameworks/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000/executors/1/runs/d383a013-89cf-47c6-ad8e-39e2f3e971fd' for gc 6.99999944121481days in the future
      I0916 22:56:29.048568 21041 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_cGKTiG/slaves/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0/frameworks/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000/executors/1' for gc 6.99999944031111days in the future
      I0916 22:56:29.048607 21041 gc.cpp:56] Scheduling '/tmp/HealthCheckTest_HealthStatusChange_cGKTiG/slaves/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0/frameworks/20140916-225614-3125920579-47865-21026-0000' for gc 6.99999943939852days in the future
      [  FAILED  ] HealthCheckTest.HealthStatusChange (15019 ms)


        Issue Links



              haosdent@gmail.com haosdent
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