While testing Mesos to see if we could use it at work, I encountered a random bug which I believe happens when a command exits really quickly, when run via the command executor.
See the attached test case, but basically all it does is constantly start "exit 0" tasks.
At some point, a task randomly fails with the error "Failed to get exit status for Command":
'state': 'TASK_FAILED', 'message': 'Failed to get exit status for Command', 'source': 'SOURCE_EXECUTOR',
I've had a look at the code, and I found something which could potentially explain it - it's the first time I look at the code so apologies if I'm missing something.
We can see the error originates from `reaped`:
} else if (status_->isNone()) { taskState = TASK_FAILED; message = "Failed to get exit status for Command"; } else {
Looking at the code, we can see that the `status_` future can be set to `None` in `ReaperProcess::reap`:
Future<Option<int>> ReaperProcess::reap(pid_t pid) { // Check to see if this pid exists. if (os::exists(pid)) { Owned<Promise<Option<int>>> promise(new Promise<Option<int>>()); promises.put(pid, promise); return promise->future(); } else { return None(); } }
So we could have this if the process has already been reaped (`kill -0` will fail).
Now, looking at the code path which spawns the process:
calls `subprocess`:
If we look at the bottom of the function we can see the following:
// We need to bind a copy of this Subprocess into the onAny callback // below to ensure that we don't close the file descriptors before // the subprocess has terminated (i.e., because the caller doesn't // keep a copy of this Subprocess around themselves). process::reap(>pid) .onAny(lambda::bind(internal::cleanup, lambda::_1, promise, process)); return process;
So at this point we've already called `process::reap`.
And after that, the executor also calls `process::reap`:
// Monitor this process. process::reap(pid.get()) .onAny(defer(self(), &Self::reaped, pid.get(), lambda::_1));
But if we look at the implementation of `process::reap`:
Future<Option<int>> reap(pid_t pid) { // The reaper process is instantiated in `process::initialize`. process::initialize(); return dispatch( internal::reaper, &internal::ReaperProcess::reap, pid); }
We can see that `ReaperProcess::reap` is going to get called asynchronously.
Doesn't this mean that it's possible that the first call to `reap` set up by `subprocess` (
will get executed first, and if the task has already exited by that time, the child will get reaped before the call to `reap` set up by the executor ( gets a chance to run?
In that case, when it runs
if (os::exists(pid)) {
would return false, `reap` would set the future to None which would result in this error.