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  1. Maven Eclipse Plugin (RETIRED)
  2. MECLIPSE-267

Resolve version ranges in make-artifacts

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    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.3
    • 2.4
    • PDE support
    • None


      Currently when using the make-artifacts goal to deploy Eclipse artifacts to a remote repository the POMs are created in such a way the versions of the dependencies have ranges similar to [3.3,4). This information is pulled from the Manifest. I'd like a way to specify not to use those version ranges in the POM but to instead have a soft dependency on a specific version. The situation that is occurring is that when I have deployed both Eclipse 3.2 and 3.3 endstates to a remote repository, the 3.2 dependencies have ranges specified which then pull in the 3.3 endstates. This causes conflicts when I want to only include 3.2 endstates. If there was a way to 1. not use version ranges in the POM and 2. instead have a soft dependency on a specific version. This would eliminate the need to specify each and every Eclipse 3.2 artifact for fear a transitive 3.3 dependency got pulled in.

      I have also seen this cause errors when a transitive dependency pulls in a 3.3 endstate that has conflicting version ranges for an artifact I have a dependency on. Since the 3.3 endstates will have version ranges of [3.3,4) but I might specify 3.2 dependencies, if I have a first class dependency on 3.2 and a transitive dependency on the same artifact but the range is [3.3,4), I will not be able to build my project.



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            carlos Carlos Sanchez Gonzalez
            mkwhitacre Micah Whitacre
            1 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue




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