Uploaded image for project: 'Maven Deploy Plugin'
  1. Maven Deploy Plugin
  2. MDEPLOY-160

Deploy all installed artifacts



    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Abandoned
    • 2.7
    • None
    • None
    • None


      This is related to MDEPLOY-124, however it is sufficiently different to the discussion there to warrant a separate issue.

      I'm proposing a single new goal in the plugin, "deploy:installed". This new goal would deploy all the artifacts currently in the local repo as per the GAV in the pom. A filter set could be used to filter the list.

      This mojo should in theory be relatively simple to write. Read the list of files in the local repo, work out the classifiers and deploy them. Unless I'm missing something...

      The solution propsed in MDEPLOY-124 would not work in my use case. We have a build where there is a native element that is built on two (or more) different machines. We would like to end up with a combined deploy folder. ie. Linux machine produces pom, jar and linux artifacts, whereas the Windows machine produces pom, jar and windows artifacts. The only time there is a complete set of artifacts to deploy is when both machines have run and pushed to a shared local repo. The goal would be more generally useful than this, as it would allow install, test/review, deploy, workflows, which seems to be a pretty common desire not supported by maven.




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