Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
2.4, 2.5
mac os x or linux, maven 3.0.4 (maven 3.0.3 does not have the same behaviour, it fails at removing the local artifacts)
problem initially described on the maven users mailing list :
Given the attached pom, and using maven 3.0.4 (important, it does not work with 3.0.3, it fails at removing the local artifacts)
- do a mvn clean install
- then do a mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.4:purge-local-repository -Dverbose=true -DresolutionFuzziness=version
it will work as designed, removing javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5 and from your local repo, before re downloading them.
but, the following message is displayed :
[WARNING] Missing POM for javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5 [WARNING] Missing POM for
It actually means the plugin could not "see" those artifacts in my local repo; it may be related to the fact that dependency plugin does not use aether to resolve the tree.
Other problems should arise, as mentioned by Stephen Connolly on the mailing list :
"When I last chatted on this with Benjamin, he left me with the distinct impression that I should not rely on the output of dependency:tree when run on m3 until it has been adapted to query aether's graph more directly"
The dependency plugin should use the same dependency resolver as maven 3, ie aether.
Issue Links
- duplicates
MDEP-339 tree mojo doesn't work consistently with maven3
- Closed
Not sure if this issue is still relevant since those warnings arose because I launched the purge twice in a row, and it affected my local repo :
$ ls ~/.m2/repository/javax/servlet/servlet-api/2.5/
_maven.repositories servlet-api-2.5.jar servlet-api-2.5.jar.lastUpdated servlet-api-2.5.jar.sha1
re launching mvn clean install afterwards fixes the repo.