I have upgraded from maven-changes-plugin version:2.11 to 2.12 (also tested to 2.12.1). Using 2.11 the github-report worked without any issue. After upgrading to 2.12 it produces:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.6:site (default-site) on project smpp: Error generating maven-changes-plugin:2.12.1:github-report: Bad credentials (401) -> [Help 1]
I have my credentials stored in settings.xml file encrypted using the id:github. After taking a deeper look into the code it looks like the encrypted password will directly given to the github api without decrypting it via Mavens mechanisms...Before that change it worked.
Furthermore I have tested to store the password in settings.xml in clear text which means not encrypted it worked with version 2.12 and 2.12.1.