See and scroll to the section 'D'. Observe how in method discardMostRecentElements(int) in class org.apache.commons.math3.util.ResizableDoubleArray, the style changes to larger font. As we can see in the source code for that method:
* Discards the <code>i<code> last elements of the array. For example,
this should become:
* Discards the <code>i</code> last elements of the array. For example,
as then the <code>...</code> is balanced. Or even better, it could become:
* Discards the {@code i} last elements of the array. For example,
This applies elsewhere as well, for instance the isSame(Chromosome) method in the org.apache.commons.math3.genetics.BinaryChromosome class.
We should probably check all javadoc, to make sure this is correct everywhere. Since it is way too much to do manually, maybe a script or other automated check could detect such cases?