See the spec:
At the moment, the LDP Implementation in Marmotta does not distinguish between the different LDP Interaction Models, but supporting them is a MUST.
We asked for clarification on the w3c list and got the following answer:
I will give the editors an action to improve on this section, let me put in
it simplest terms and the intent:
- LDPRs will only have interaction models of LDPRs. It makes no sense to
have in the- LDPCs could be have as LDPRs or LDPCs. If an LDPC is created by sending
a request entity body a LDPC and using the "Link: rel=type href=", then that means it behaves as it
doesn't know about LDPC section. Meaning things like POSTing to it don't
create members and update membership/containment triples or that when a
contained resource is deleted, the containment triple is removed.
To boil it down - creating an LDPC with an LDPR interaction model results in a "read-only" Container.