Status: Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
maven 2.0 (release), antlib, ant, apache 2 webserver on windows
In my pom file, I have a dependency, it has no child dependencies beyond that looks like this:
and use the following in my build script:
<artifact:dependencies verbose="true" useScope="runtime" pathId="project.classpath.runtime">
<artifact:pom file="pom.xml" />
<artifact:remoteRepository url="${project.repository} " layout="default" />
The variable I have above is being set right per tests 1-3. The last test.. it gets strange.
I deployed xwork, as an empty jar by accident, so don't be surprised there's nothing in the jar. But the dependency downloading from the webserver breaks horribly. I tested 4 scenarios:
1. If I put in my pom as my remote repository as file://c:/temp/repository and deploy to there, the above pom works flawlessly.
2 & 3. If I replace the range w/ a simple: <version>1.0.5</version> and set my repository to, it downloads fine as well. It works with the filesystem remote repository of my c:/temp... directory.
4. If I use the http repository AND use a range version as I originally wanted, I get an ugly error:
C:\development\eclipse 3.0\workspace\hibernate-3\common.xml:4: Unable to resolve
artifact: Unable to get dependency information: Unable to read local copy of me
tadata: Cannot read metadata from 'C:\Documents and Settings\sportee\.m2\reposit
ory\org\sporty\xwork\maven-metadata-remote.xml': end tag name </pre> must match
start tag name <hr> from line 11 (position: START_TAG seen ...</a>
11-Oct-2005 17:52 - \n<hr></pre>... @11:11)
from the specified remote repositories:
remote ( )
Path to dependency:
1) org.sporty:xdoclet-xwork:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
The contents of the ...-remote.xml file, I see a directory listing, and not the contents of the repository file on the server. My naive guess is the repository file to look for is getting lost, or not passed, if it's in a hashmap, not being referenced properly...