New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
betelgeuse@pena /mnt/checkouts/maven-ant-plugin $ grep -i javadoc -r .
./src/it/ear-it/primary-source/.svn/text-base/pom.xml.svn-base: <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
./src/it/ear-it/primary-source/pom.xml: <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
betelgeuse@pena /mnt/checkouts/commons-dbutils-trunk $ grep -i javadoc maven-build.xml
betelgeuse@pena /mnt/checkouts/commons-dbutils-trunk $
For Gentoo packaging and for me being able to include maven generated build.xml files in source releases I need to be able to generate javadocs using the build.xml files. The standard target layout for self written build.xml files I have come across is:
-jar (We have this as package, would be nice to name this after the thing it does so jar would be jar and ear would be ear but that is an another bug)
-dist (dummy target depending on jar, test and javadoc)