Hi all, I'm working on some automated analysis of the clusterdump output using '-of = JSON'. While digging into the structure of the representation of the data I've noticed something that seems a little odd to me.
In order to access the data for a particular cluster, the 'cluster', 'n', 'c' & 'r' values are all in one continuous string. For example:
{"cluster":"VL-10515{n=5924 c=[action:0.023, adherence:0.223, administration:0.011 r=[action:0.446, adherence:1.501, administration:0.306]}"}
This is also the case for the "point":
{"point":"013FFD34580BA31AECE5D75DE65478B3D691D138 = [body:6.904, harm:10.101]","vector_name":"013FFD34580BA31AECE5D75DE65478B3D691D138","weight":"1.0"}
This leads me to believe that the only way I can get to the individual data in these items is by string parsing. For JSON deserialization I would have expected to see something along the lines of:
{ "cluster":"VL-10515", "n":5924, "c": [ {"action":0.023}, {"adherence":0.223}, {"administration":0.011} ], "r": [ {"action":0.446}, {"adherence":1.501}, {"administration":0.306} ] }
{ "point": { "body": 6.904, "harm": 10.101 }, "vector_name": "013FFD34580BA31AECE5D75DE65478B3D691D138", "weight": 1.0 }
Andrew Musselman replied:
Looks like a bug to me as well; I would have expected something similar to
what you were expecting except maybe something like this which puts the "c"
and "r" values in objects rather than arrays of single-element objects:{ "cluster":"VL-10515", "n":5924, "c": { "action":0.023, "adherence":0.223, "administration":0.011 }, "r": { "action":0.446, "adherence":1.501, "administration":0.306 } }