Adding BallKMeans and StreamingKMeans clustering algorithms.
These both implement Iterable<Centroid> and thus return the resulting centroids after clustering.
BallKMeans implements:
- kmeans++ initialization;
- a normal k-means pass;
- a trimming threshold so that points that are too far from the cluster they were assigned to are not used in the new centroid computation.
StreamingKMeans implements
- an online clustering algorithm that takes each point into account one by one
- for each point, it computes the distance to the nearest existing cluster
- if the distance is greater than a set distanceCutoff, it will create a new cluster, otherwise it might be added to the cluster it's closest to (proportional to the value of the distance / distanceCutoff)
- if there are too many clusters, the clusters will be collapsed (the same method gets called, but the number of clusters is re-adjusted)
- finally, about as many clusters as requested are returned (not precise!); this represents a sketch of the original points.