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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-855

MemoryCachedRangeFilter to boost performance of Range queries


    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • 2.1
    • None
    • core/search
    • None
    • New, Patch Available


      Currently RangeFilter uses TermEnum and TermDocs to find documents that fall within the specified range. This requires iterating through every single term in the index and can get rather slow for large document sets.

      MemoryCachedRangeFilter reads all <docId, value> pairs of a given field, sorts by value, and stores in a SortedFieldCache. During bits(), binary searches are used to find the start and end indices of the lower and upper bound values. The BitSet is populated by all the docId values that fall in between the start and end indices.

      TestMemoryCachedRangeFilterPerformance creates a 100K RAMDirectory-backed index with random date values within a 5 year range. Executing bits() 1000 times on standard RangeQuery using random date intervals took 63904ms. Using MemoryCachedRangeFilter, it took 876ms. Performance increase is less dramatic when you have less unique terms in a field or using less number of documents.

      Currently MemoryCachedRangeFilter only works with numeric values (values are stored in a long[] array) but it can be easily changed to support Strings. A side "benefit" of storing the values are stored as longs, is that there's no longer the need to make the values lexographically comparable, i.e. padding numeric values with zeros.

      The downside of using MemoryCachedRangeFilter is there's a fairly significant memory requirement. So it's designed to be used in situations where range filter performance is critical and memory consumption is not an issue. The memory requirements are: (sizeof(int) + sizeof(long)) * numDocs.

      MemoryCachedRangeFilter also requires a warmup step which can take a while to run in large datasets (it took 40s to run on a 3M document corpus). Warmup can be called explicitly or is automatically called the first time MemoryCachedRangeFilter is applied using a given field.

      So in summery, MemoryCachedRangeFilter can be useful when:

      • Performance is critical
      • Memory is not an issue
      • Field contains many unique numeric values
      • Index contains large amount of documents


        1. TestRangeFilterPerformanceComparison.java
          10 kB
          Andy Liu
        2. TestRangeFilterPerformanceComparison.java
          14 kB
          Matt Ericson
        3. MemoryCachedRangeFilter.patch
          19 kB
          Andy Liu
        4. MemoryCachedRangeFilter_1.4.patch
          19 kB
          Andy Liu
        5. FieldCacheRangeFilter.patch
          33 kB
          Matt Ericson
        6. FieldCacheRangeFilter.patch
          33 kB
          Matt Ericson
        7. FieldCacheRangeFilter.patch
          34 kB
          Matt Ericson
        8. FieldCacheRangeFilter.patch
          37 kB
          Matt Ericson
        9. FieldCacheRangeFilter.patch
          38 kB
          Matt Ericson
        10. FieldCacheRangeFilter.patch
          56 kB
          Matt Ericson
        11. FieldCacheRangeFilter_Lucene_2.3.0.patch
          61 kB
          Matt Ericson
        12. contrib-filters.tar.gz
          342 kB
          Andy Liu



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            andyliu1227 Andy Liu
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