For backwards compatibility reasons, LUCENE-1518 gave Filter a default "crap" toString(String) impl of getClass().getSimpleName(). I don't think we should do this. It causes problems e.g. when filters are wrapped in ConstantScoreQuery or other places, because toString(String) does the wrong thing.
Filter f = new MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter<WildcardQuery>(new WildcardQuery(new Term("foo", "b*ar"))); System.out.println(f.toString()); // foo:b*ar System.out.println(f.toString("foo")); // MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter
Instead i think that impl should be removed (leaving it abstract), and Query.toString() should be final for a hard break:
/** Prints a query to a string, with <code>field</code> assumed to be the * default field and omitted. */ public abstract String toString(String field); /** Prints a query to a string. */ @Override public ****final**** String toString() { return toString(""); }
having buggy toString's is worse than requiring a change in custom filters. It impacts all users rather than just expert ones. Also by doing this, all the current toString bugs in the codebase show up as compile errors.