I was looking at the CheckIndex output on and index that has deletions, eg:
4 of 30: name=_90 docCount=588408 codec=Lucene41 compound=false numFiles=14 size (MB)=265.318 diagnostics = {os=Linux, os.version=3.2.0-23-generic, mergeFactor=10, source=merge, lucene.version=5.0-SNAPSHOT, os.arch=amd64, mergeMaxNumSegments=-1, java.version=1.7.0_07, java.vendor=Oracle Corporation} has deletions [delGen=1] test: open reader.........OK [39351 deleted docs] test: fields..............OK [8 fields] test: field norms.........OK [2 fields] test: terms, freq, prox...OK [4910342 terms; 61319238 terms/docs pairs; 65597188 tokens] test (ignoring deletes): terms, freq, prox...OK [4910342 terms; 61319238 terms/docs pairs; 70293065 tokens] test: stored fields.......OK [1647171 total field count; avg 3 fields per doc] test: term vectors........OK [0 total vector count; avg 0 term/freq vector fields per doc] test: docvalues...........OK [0 total doc count; 1 docvalues fields]
If you compare the test: terms, freq, prox (includes deletions) and the next line (doesn't include deletions), it's confusing because only the 3rd number (tokens) reflects deletions. I think the first two numbers should also reflect deletions? This way an app could get a sense of how much "deadweight" is in the index due to un-reclaimed deletions...