Tripped by the new random sim from LUCENE-4297:
The basics are this:
- BooleanQuery has the following rewrite():
public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException { if (minNrShouldMatch == 0 && clauses.size() == 1) { // optimize 1-clause queries
- you have a coord() impl that doesnt return 1.0 if overlap == maxOverlap, particularly:
return overlap / ((float)maxOverlap + 1);
- TestBooleanMinShouldMatch.testRandomQueries generates random boolean queries (Q1), then compares the scores of the random query to the same query but with minNrShouldmatch applied to its should clauses (Q2)
- in the case of a single term BQ, the rewrite applies to Q1, making it a term query, but not to Q2. so the coord() only gets called for Q2, not Q1. and with this crazy coord it means the scores are different.
I think the rewrite is wrong, we should also rewrite single-query BQs where minNrShouldMatch = 1 and there is a single optional clause.