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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-1720

TimeLimitedIndexReader and associated utility class


    • New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • core/index
    • None
    • New


      An alternative to TimeLimitedCollector that has the following advantages:

      1) Any reader activity can be time-limited rather than just single searches e.g. the document retrieve phase.
      2) Times out faster (i.e. runaway queries such as fuzzies detected quickly before last "collect" stage of query processing)

      Uses new utility timeout class that is independent of IndexReader.

      Initial contribution includes a performance test class but not had time as yet to work up a formal Junit test.
      TimeLimitedIndexReader is coded as JDK1.5 but can easily be undone.


        1. ActivityTimedOutException.java
          1 kB
          Mark Harwood
        2. ActivityTimeMonitor.java
          9 kB
          Mark Harwood
        3. ActivityTimeMonitor.java
          8 kB
          Mark Harwood
        4. ActivityTimeMonitor.java
          7 kB
          Mark Harwood
        5. Lucene-1720.patch
          50 kB
          Mark Harwood
        6. Lucene-1720.patch
          29 kB
          Mark Harwood
        7. LUCENE-1720.patch
          66 kB
          Shai Erera
        8. LUCENE-1720.patch
          63 kB
          Shai Erera
        9. LUCENE-1720.patch
          28 kB
          Shai Erera
        10. TestTimeLimitedIndexReader.java
          5 kB
          Mark Harwood
        11. TestTimeLimitedIndexReader.java
          4 kB
          Mark Harwood
        12. TimeLimitedIndexReader.java
          6 kB
          Mark Harwood
        13. TimeLimitedIndexReader.java
          6 kB
          Mark Harwood

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              mharwood Mark Harwood
              mharwood Mark Harwood
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