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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-1103



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.3
    • modules/analysis
    • None
    • Patch Available


      I have extended StandardTokenizer to recognize Wikipedia syntax and mark tokens with certain attributes. It isn't necessarily complete, but it does a good enough job for it to be consumed and improved by others.

      It sets the Token.type() value depending on the Wikipedia syntax (links, internal links, bold, italics, etc.) based on my pass at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tutorial

      I have only tested it with the benchmarking EnwikiDocMaker wikipedia stuff and it seems to do a decent job.

      Caveats: I am not sure how to best handle testing, since the content is licensed under GNU Free Doc License, I believe I can't copy and paste a whole document into the unit test. I have hand coded one doc and have another one that just generally runs over the benchmark Wikipedia download.

      One more question is where to put it. It could go in analysis, but the tests at least will have a dependency on Benchmark. I am thinking of adding a new contrib/wikipedia where this could grow to have other wikipedia things (perhaps we would move EnwikiDocMaker there????) and reverse the dependency on Benchmark.

      I will post a patch over the next few days.


        1. LUCENE-1103.patch
          84 kB
          Grant Ingersoll
        2. LUCENE-1103.patch
          81 kB
          Grant Ingersoll
        3. LUCENE-1103.patch
          80 kB
          Grant Ingersoll
        4. LUCENE-1103.patch
          76 kB
          Grant Ingersoll
        5. LUCENE-1103.patch
          71 kB
          Grant Ingersoll
        6. LUCENE-1103.patch
          69 kB
          Grant Ingersoll
        7. LUCENE-1103.patch
          69 kB
          Grant Ingersoll



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