Status: Resolved
Resolution: Not A Problem
We can see the code in MergeRateLimiter:
private long maybePause(long bytes, long curNS) throws MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException { double rate = mbPerSec; double secondsToPause = (bytes / 1024. / 1024.) / rate; long targetNS = lastNS + (long) (1000000000 * secondsToPause); long curPauseNS = targetNS - curNS; // We don't bother with thread pausing if the pause is smaller than 2 msec. if (curPauseNS <= MIN_PAUSE_NS) { // Set to curNS, not targetNS, to enforce the instant rate, not // the "averaged over all history" rate: lastNS = curNS; return -1; } ...... }
If a Segment is been merged, maybePause is called in 7:00, lastNS=7:00, then the maybePause is called in 7:05 again, so the value of targetNS=lastNS + (long) (1000000000 * secondsToPause) must be smaller than curNS, no matter how big the bytes is, we will return -1 and ignore to pause.
I count the total times(callTimes) calling maybePause and ignored pause times(ignorePauseTimes) and detail ignored bytes(detailBytes):
[2022-03-02T15:16:51,972][DEBUG][o.e.i.e.I.EngineMergeScheduler] [node1] [index1][21] merge segment [_4h] done: took [26.8s], [123.6 MB], [61,219 docs], [0s stopped], [24.4s throttled], [242.5 MB written], [11.2 MB/sec throttle], [callTimes=857], [ignorePauseTimes=25], [detailBytes(mb) = [0.28899956, 0.28140354, 0.28015518, 0.27990818, 0.2801447, 0.27991104, 0.27990723, 0.27990913, 0.2799101, 0.28010082, 0.2799921, 0.2799673, 0.28144264, 0.27991295, 0.27990818, 0.27993107, 0.2799387, 0.27998447, 0.28002167, 0.27992058, 0.27998066, 0.28098202, 0.28125, 0.28125, 0.28125]]
There are 857 times calling maybePause, including 25 times which is ignored to pause, we can see that the ignored detail bytes (such as 0.28125mb) are not small.
As long as the interval between two maybePause calls is relatively long, the pause action that should be executed will not be executed.