I'm reporting a compile error on OSX Lion when using clang and building universal for i386 and x86_64 due to old libtool scripts crafting a non-functional compile command for the liblog4cxx.dylib. I'm doing this for Homebrew, a package installer for Macs. The issue is discussed at length here:
The clue that the libtool scripts are too old to be useful is that the commands they choose during configure are not the ones I always see.
The error arises when libtool calls `clang++ -r` but fails to add the arch flags to that command, `-arch i386 -arch x86_64` which causes the liblog4cxx.dylib to be missing all the 32bit symbols while it does contain the 64bit symbols. Please see the issue linked above for all the details.
The solution for us is to run `` before configure, which fixes the problem by updating the build scripts.
Thanks for reading this.