To Whom It May Concern:
I am using log4net version 2.0.8 as my logging component because I like the RollingFileAppender option. I wrote a c# .net wrapper (for example: logger.dll) to make calls to log4net module (iLog) to log messages when a user logs-in and/or makes changes to his/her information on the web site. The logger.dll is called from ASP Classic pages. Since the pages are written in ASP Classic the logger.dll is called using COM Interop.
The logger.dll component is created and returned using createObject function in the session_onstart; therefore, the object is created for every new open session. So for example, if there are 20 active sessions, there will be 20 instances of the logger.dll object.
What I am seeing:
When I look at the w3wp process, the memory consumed is very high and it doesn't seem to be releasing them once a user session has been abandoned. I would think that the object would be deleted and the memory would be released when the session has been been abandoned.
Can you please help look into this issue and provide any suggestions and fixes.
Server: Windows 2008 R2 with 4GB (but it will be increased to 12GB)
Thank you.
Loutsavanh Theuamthalaray