We are having 10 programs which are rolling into same log file
namlely "logger.log".
Below is configuration of RollingFileAppender which we are using :
<appender name="RollFile" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<threshold value ="ALL"/>
<file value="C:\logger.log" />
<param name="LockingModel" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<maximumFileSize value="1GB" />
<staticLogFileName value="true"/>
<maxSizeRollBackups value="5" />
<datePattern value=".yyyy-MM-dd-tt".log""/>
<rollingStyle value="Composite" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
Our rolling based on date is running at every 12 hour span means
at 12 Noon and 12 Midnight. Now what is happening when multiple
programs try to log into log file at the same time when rolling happens means
at 12 noon/midnight, then size of file getting rolled is becoming very
small compare to original file size(i.e Suppose logger.log is
around 1 MB at 12 noon, when rolling happens the new rolled file which is get
generated is around 3 KB or somewhat). So, almost data get lost due to this.
This is basically happening when multiple programs try to log into log
file at the same time of when rolling happens(means at 12 noon/midnight).
Debugging Info:
I have debug this issue by enabling debugging in log4net. What is happing when 2 or more programs try to log into log file at time of roll time means at 12 midnight/12 noon, then from first program call RollOverTime() function in log4net source code gets called. It will in turn call RollFile() , which in turn check whether rolled file with particular date and time exist, if yes then its deleting that file and creating new roll file with particular date and time and moving content of original log file into new roll log file. Till now its fine. But as second request for logging comes at same time means at 12 midnight/12 noon , it will also call RolloverTime(), then RollFile(), which in turn find rolled file with particular date and time. so, it will delete that rolled file with particular and date and create a new roll file and move content of original log file into it.At that time original log file contains very less data. So, thats why size of rolled log file is becoming very low. Very less size of rolled file is a major issue of it .
All of you might get my whole debugging description described above. Please revert back to us on this ASAP as its very important us to go ahead.
Issue Links
- is superceded by
LOG4NET-367 RollingFileAppender-NG: rewrite the RollingFileAppender
- Open