Add a layout that can format a BinaryMessage as text, each byte encoded as a hexadecimal number, with spacing and grouping to make the data easy to read.
BinaryMessage can be an interface as discussed in LOG4J2-506. One proposal is to also provide a ByteBufferMessage implementation that can be constructed from either a byte[] or a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
Ideas for BinaryLayout configuration parameters:
- group size in bytes (default 8)
- group count per line (default 4)
- uppercase vs. lowercase output (default?)
- base (default 16, should this even be configurable?)
- group separator (default space " ")
- char encoding (default UTF-8 or ASCII), if present extends the a line with text version of the bytes
- groups-text separator (default " | ")
- address-groups separator (default " | ")
- unprintable char (default .)
Example output line (bogus values):
00000 | 01234567 a1234567 b1234567 c1234567 | .HELLO...
This layout also needs some way to handle Messages that are not BinaryMessages. One idea is to have a nested fallback layout that the BinaryLayout will delegate to for non-binary messages.
Issue Links
- depends upon
LOG4J2-506 Binary logging interface
- Open