LOG4J2-2657 Improve exception messages in the JDBC appender.
ASF subversion and git services
added a comment - Commit 49e1665dd6f74d0214344ac7a7784d6d0e8be1d4 in logging-log4j2's branch refs/heads/release-2.x from Gary Gregory
[ https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=logging-log4j2.git;h=49e1665 ]
LOG4J2-2657 Improve exception messages in the JDBC appender.
LOG4J2-2657 Improve exception messages in the JDBC appender.
ASF subversion and git services
added a comment - Commit 2415903873de8ad0f3de4012a43da9da7ea7730b in logging-log4j2's branch refs/heads/master from Gary Gregory
[ https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=logging-log4j2.git;h=2415903 ]
LOG4J2-2657 Improve exception messages in the JDBC appender.
Commit 49e1665dd6f74d0214344ac7a7784d6d0e8be1d4 in logging-log4j2's branch refs/heads/release-2.x from Gary Gregory
[ https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=logging-log4j2.git;h=49e1665 ]
LOG4J2-2657Improve exception messages in the JDBC appender.