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  1. Libcloud
  2. LIBCLOUD-275

Utility APIs for containers



    • New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • Storage
    • None


      While working with libcloud, I thought it will be good to have some utility APIs to containers, which will help in easier use. Some APIs will have a base class implementation, which can be easily over-written in each driver based on the storage provider.

      Some APIs that I have in mind are:
      1. container.copy_object(obj, target_container)
      Copies an object from one container to another. Base class implementation can be
      target_container.upload_object_via_stream(container.download_object_as_stream(obj), obj.name)
      In each driver, this can be over-written to use specific methods to do this (AWS, Azure etc. provide APIs for doing this).

      2. container.move_object(obj, target_container)
      Base class implementation can be:
      container.copy_object(obj, target_container)
      Again, driver specific extensions can be done.

      3. container.sync_to_local(local_path, only_missing=True, only_newer=False)
      4. container.sync_from_local(local_path, followlinks=False, prefix='', only_missing=True, only_newer=False)
      The above two functions are good for syncing local folder repos with cloud. The functions are ridiculously easy to implement and will provide good mechanism for sync. (For eg: syncing a folder which contains 500 HLS chunks of a video)

      The parameters used are:

      • only_missing - sync only files that missing in the target (container or folder)
      • only_newer - sync only files that have last-modified (or m_time) more than the target
      • prefix - A prefix to be prefixed to each object name while syncing from a local folder.

      I am just opening a ticket so that we can discuss this and finalize it. Once everyone agree, I can submit/check-in a patch




            mahendra.m Mahendra M
            mahendra.m Mahendra M
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