Zerigo allows records of type "Redirect" to be added. It returns them as "host-type=URL". Libcloud diver does not recognize and throws an "AttributeError: type object 'RecordType' has no attribute 'URL'" exception, making list_records unusable.
This is response returned from Zerigo API:
'<host>\n <created-at type="datetime">2012-06-08T11:33:15Z</created-at>\n <updated-at type="datetime">2012-06-08T11:33:15Z</updated-at>\n <notes nil="true" />\n <zone-id type="integer">618718712</zone-id>\n <ttl type="integer">259200</ttl>\n <state>active</state>\n <hostname></hostname>\n <data></data>\n <id type="integer">1224113769</id>\n <fqdn></fqdn>\n <priority nil="true" />\n <host-type>URL</host-type>\n </host>\n '
And error:
AttributeError: type object 'RecordType' has no attribute 'URL'