Here are some of the issues i faced while generating doc for 2.1 release :
- mvn clean install run more than once, which makes generated-site to take more time. We should add -DskipCheck to skip findbugs check, rat check, checkstyle check and etc.
- site/publish directly contains current release documentation. When a copy is done from new release doc to site/publish, deleted html files in documentation are not removed from site/publish, as copy will only do it for modified and new files.
- Copying everything from /tmp/lens-site-stage to svn repo – did not happen when i ran the script. Had to do it manually
- When copying docs from /tmp/lens-site-stage to svn repo, we cannot simply copy everything as versions/ directory in /tmp/lens-site-stage does not have all versions. I had to skip versions/ directory explicitly and copy other directories, and then copy versions/<releaseversion> to versions/ as separate command.