Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Sun Java JDK 1.6.0_17
Please review the implementation for reflectionAppend (lines 174 to 202)... Specifically, see line 182:
List<String> excludedFieldList = excludeFields != null ? Arrays.asList(excludeFields) : Collections.<String>emptyList();
Note that if you are in the habit of passing in a String array for excluding fields (String[] excludeFields) – which is a best practice when using Hibernate (to skip primary keys (@id) and version fields (@version) that change upon persistence) – EVERY TIME the hashCode is calculated, an ArrayList is being created – generating fodder for the garbage collector.
I thought I might get around this by passing a Collection<String> instead of a String[], but ironically the implementation of the reflectionHashCode(Object object, Collection<String> excludeFields) (see lines 475 to 477), for example, transforms the Collection<String> into a String[] only to have it transformed internally into a temporary ArrayList<String>.
I would expect the implementation to use and read what is submitted, whether that is a String[] or a Collection<String>. I don't think it needs to create another copy just to have a convenient contains method. Efficiency is important, especially in the event of rehashing.