Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Operating System: other
Platform: Other
The nestableDelegate dumps the stacktrace bottomup instead of topdown as is the custom in the JDK
(especially in JDK 1.4's own chained exceptions).
Thus when using NestableException you
will always see the first low-level exception (e.g. an Null Exception) and you'll have to go all the
way to the bottom to see the highlevel exception (e.g. an HibernateQueryException: Error while
parsing query at 's.count()')
This is not very friendly to users because hopefully the
highlevel exception will be the best explanation in 9 out of 10 causes, it is only when debugging or
in misbehaved exception handling one like to see the root causes - and THEN one can go down and read
the bottom of the stack trace.
Thus, I would suggest that you make it possible to have
NestableDelegate print the stacktrace in reverce so the highlevel exception get printed first
and THEN the lower-levels.
And optimal one could set an
NestableDelegate.printStackTraceTopDown=true as an system property so one could choose
which strategy should be activated in the system.
Am I making any sense ?